Data source:
I used PXD009449 dataset in my MS Thesis (, to be updated soon). Following steps were done in data pre-processing:
PXD009449 MS/MS dataset was downloaded from the PRoteomics IDEntifications Database (PRIDE). This dataset was published as part of the study done by Zolg in 2018. It consisted of MS/MS spectrum of ~5000 synthetic peptides carrying 21 different post-translational modifications (PTMs) and their respective unmodified forms. The 21 PTMs were performed on 4 target amino acids: Lysine (K), Proline (P), Tyrosine (Y), Arginine (R). The 21 PTMs were: Lysine acetylation, biotinylation, butyrylation, crotonylation, dimethylation, formylation, glutarylation, hydroxyisobutyrylation, malonylation, methylation, propionylation, succinylation, trimethylation and glyglycylation (ubiquitination). Arginine citrullination, dimethyalation (symmetric/asymmetric), methylation. Hydroxyproline. Tyrosine nitration, phosphorylation. MS/MS spectra were produced using Orbitrap Fusion ETD Mass Spectrometer. In this study, ~1.2 million MS/MS spectra (survey_R1) of Collision-induced dissociation (CID) and higher energy collisional dissociation (HCD) fragmentation methods were initially selected.
All the peptides present in the PXD009449 dataset were passed through a series of filtration steps. First step was to ensure that all selected synthetic peptides were present in the target protein database (UniProtKB). Human protein sequences were downloaded from UniProtKB database (release # 2022_05, Accession ID: UP000005640) on Dec 19th, 2022 from Any peptide not found in target database was discarded. Second step was to remove peptides without target amino acid (Y, K, R, P). Third step was to remove peptides without MS/MS spectra mapping infomration in PXD009449 dataset's supplemetary file (137237_1_supp_136394_p8kmm9.csv). These filtering steps reduced the numbers of peptides from ~5000 to 4090 peptides. In the PXD009449 dataset (CID and HCD, survey run), all MS/MS spectra with missing peptide mapping or ion information were removed. Spectrum against demethylation post-translational modification were removed due to data issues.
Following table details the MS/MS counts before and after data cleanup:
msms_info.csv file contains the relevant information of the filtered (final) spectrum. It has following columns:
- Scan: Scan number in the MS/MS run
- Fragmentation: fragmentation method used in the respective MS/MS run
- PTM: respective PTM on a peptide
- Mapped_Scan: Assigned scan number after filtering
- Peptide: Precusrsor peptide of MS/MS spectra
- PTM_Loc: Amino Acid number in the peptide seqeunce with the respective PTM
Python codes will be uploaded in a few weeks.
DOI: 10.1074/mcp.tir118.000783, PubMed: 29848782, Des: Zolg DP, Wilhelm M, Schmidt T, Medard G, Zerweck J, Knaute T, Wenschuh H, Reimer U, Schnatbaum K, Kuster B. ProteomeTools: Systematic characterization of 21 post-translational protein modifications by LC-MS/MS using synthetic peptides. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2018