Verify connectivity to a given Ceph cluster via specified cephx user/pass. This is useful for example, if you want to verify you have proper access setup before you ever even try something like:
virsh attach-device $uid $xmlfile
Or if you simply wish to verify the hypervisor parent can connect to the given cluster before you try booting a virtual machine off a RBD volume on that cluster.
You need to have rbd/rados libaries installed on your system for the compile to succeed (gcc -lrbd -lrados). Obviously, you also need a C compiler. Once you have these things, you can just run make
To remove, go back into the directory you ran make from originally. Then:
make uninstall
First, here's the usage help:
USAGE: ./rados_connect [OPTIONS]
NOTE: All switches below are _required_ unless stated optional.
-m -- MONS (ex: -m10.30.177.4:6789,,
-u -- CEPHX_USER (ex: -umycephxuser)
-p -- CEPH_POOL (ex: -ppool0)
-k -- CEPHX_KEY [optional] (ex: -kAQDJ+gtScGVSBRAA0QenPqsxWaml1jr9C1647w==)
-l -- LIBVIR_UUID [optional] (ex: -l04a8f230-1bd0-4536-a101-3bbd6253ce5c)
*** Options -l and -k are optional, however at least one _must_ be defined.
rados_connect -m${monip}:${monport},${monip}:${monport},${monip}:${monport} -u${cephxuser} -p${pool} -k${cephxkey}
If the supplied information is good, you will see something like this for output:
Verifying cluster connectivity and permissions via given cephx key...
GOOD: Able to get pool ID. Pool [pool0] ID is [5]
GOOD: Able to write [rados_connect test object] to object [9f32300b-6fc0-4f12-8266-a562afef0fc7] on pool [pool0]
GOOD: Able to read object [9f32300b-6fc0-4f12-8266-a562afef0fc7]. Contents: [rados_connect test object]
GOOD: Able to remove object [9f32300b-6fc0-4f12-8266-a562afef0fc7].
No errors were encountered!
If there was an error, you will see something like this (and non-zero exit):
Verifying cluster connectivity and permissions via given cephx key...
BAD: Cannot connect to cluster: [Operation not permitted]
FATAL: Authentication error or insufficient permissions.
rados_connect -m${monip}:${monport},${monip}:${monport},${monip}:${monport} -u${cephxuser} -p${pool} -l${libvirt_secret}
On success or failure, output will be like above. As always, on error, the exit code is non-zero.