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Taxi-V3 RL Algorithms

This repository contains implementations of several reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms to solve the Taxi-v3 environment from the OpenAI Gym. The algorithms include Value Iteration, Policy Iteration, Q-Learning, and Direct Evaluation (Monte Carlo). The project also includes functionality to visualize the performance of the trained policies through video recordings.

Table of Contents


To run the code, you need to have Python installed along with the required libraries. You can install the dependencies using the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To test a policy and visualize it, use the test_policy_video function. For instance:

from IPython.display import HTML

# Assuming `optimal_policy` is defined
video_html = test_policy_video(optimal_policy, 'policy-name')


Value Iteration

  1. Initializing Parameters

    taxi = Taxi(num_iter=200, num_evaluate_steps=20, discount_rate=0.8)
  2. Finding Optimal State Values

    def value_iteration(vtable, num_iter, discount_rate):
        for _ in range(num_iter):
            v_old = np.copy(vtable)
            for state in range(taxi.state_size):
                temp_action = np.zeros(taxi.action_size)
                for action in range(taxi.action_size):
                    action_expected_value = 0
                    transitions = taxi.env.P[state][action]
                    if type(transitions) == tuple:
                        transitions = [transitions]
                    for transition in transitions:
                        action_expected_value += transition[0] * (transition[2] + discount_rate * vtable[transition[1]])
                    temp_action[action] = action_expected_value
                vtable[state] = np.max(temp_action)
  3. Extracting The Optimal Policy

    def optimal_policy_extraction(vtable, ptable, num_iter, discount_rate):
        value_iteration(vtable, num_iter, discount_rate)
        for state in range(taxi.state_size):
            temp_action = np.zeros(taxi.action_size)
            for action in range(taxi.action_size):
                action_expected_value = 0
                transitions = taxi.env.P[state][action]
                if type(transitions) == tuple:
                    transitions = [transitions]
                for transition in transitions:
                    action_expected_value += transition[0] * (transition[2] + discount_rate * vtable[transition[1]])
                temp_action[action] = action_expected_value
            ptable[state] = np.argmax(temp_action)
  4. Running The Algorithm

    optimal_policy_extraction(taxi.vtable, taxi.ptable, taxi.num_iter, taxi.discount_rate)
    optimal_policy = taxi.ptable.copy()

Policy Iteration

  1. Initialize Parameters

    taxi = Taxi(num_iter=200, num_evaluate_steps=20, discount_rate=0.8)
  2. Policy Evaluation

    def evaluate(num_iter, discount_rate):
        vtable = np.zeros(taxi.state_size)
        for _ in range(num_iter):
            v_old = np.copy(vtable)
            for state in range(taxi.state_size):
                action = taxi.ptable[state]
                action_expected_value = 0
                transitions = taxi.env.P[state][action]
                if type(transitions) == tuple:
                    transitions = [transitions]
                for transition in transitions:
                    action_expected_value += transition[0] * (transition[2] + discount_rate * vtable[transition[1]])
                vtable[state] = action_expected_value
        return vtable
  3. Policy Improvement

    def improvement(ptable, num_iter, num_evaluate_steps, discount_rate):
        for _ in range(num_iter):
            vtable = evaluate(num_evaluate_steps, discount_rate).copy()
            for state in range(taxi.state_size):
                temp_action = np.zeros(taxi.action_size)
                for action in range(taxi.action_size):
                    action_expected_value = 0
                    transitions = taxi.env.P[state][action]
                    if type(transitions) == tuple:
                        transitions = [transitions]
                    for transition in transitions:
                        action_expected_value += transition[0] * (transition[2] + discount_rate * vtable[transition[1]])
                    temp_action[action] = action_expected_value
                ptable[state] = np.argmax(temp_action)
  4. Running The Algorithm

    improvement(taxi.ptable, taxi.num_iter, taxi.num_evaluate_steps, taxi.discount_rate)


  1. Initializing Parameters

    taxi = Taxi(num_episodes=10000, max_steps=99, learning_rate=0.9, discount_rate=0.8, epsilon=1.0, decay_rate=0.005)
  2. Training

    def q_learning_train(qtable, num_episodes, max_steps, learning_rate, discount_rate, epsilon, decay_rate):
        for episode in range(num_episodes):
            state, info = taxi.env.reset()
            done = False
            for s in range(max_steps):
                if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon:
                    action = taxi.env.action_space.sample()
                    action = np.argmax(qtable[state])
                new_state, reward, done, truncated, info = taxi.env.step(action)
                qtable[state][action] = (1 - learning_rate) * qtable[state][action] + learning_rate * (reward + discount_rate * np.max(qtable[new_state]))
                state = new_state
                if done:
            epsilon = np.exp(-decay_rate * episode)
  3. Running The Algorithm

    q_learning_train(taxi.qtable, taxi.num_episodes, taxi.max_steps, taxi.learning_rate, taxi.discount_rate, taxi.epsilon, taxi.decay_rate)
  4. Extracting The Policy

    for state in range(taxi.state_size):
        taxi.ptable[state] = np.argmax(taxi.qtable[state][:])

Direct Evaluation (Monte Carlo)

  1. Initializing Parameters

    taxi = Taxi(num_episodes=10000, max_steps=99, discount_rate=0.8)
  2. Training

    def monte_carlo(ptable, num_episodes, max_steps, discount_rate):
        count = np.ones(taxi.state_size)
        vtable = np.zeros(taxi.state_size)
        for _ in range(num_episodes):
            state, info = taxi.env.reset()
            done = False
            trajectory = [state]
            rewards = []
            for s in range(max_steps):
                new_state, reward, done, truncated, info = taxi.env.step(ptable[state])
                count[new_state] += 1
                if done:
            discounted_reward_sum = 0
            rewards = list(reversed(rewards))
            trajectory = list(reversed(trajectory))[1:]
            for i in range(len(trajectory)):
                discounted_reward_sum += rewards[i]
                vtable[trajectory[i]] += discounted_reward_sum
                discounted_reward_sum *= discount_rate
        vtable /= count
        return vtable
  3. Testing

    optimal_policy_state_values = monte_carlo(optimal_policy, taxi.num_episodes, taxi.max_steps, taxi.discount_rate)


Each algorithm's performance can be tested and visualized using the test_policy_video function. This function records the environment's behavior under the specified policy and returns an HTML video element for display in Jupyter Notebooks.


This project uses the Taxi-v3 environment from OpenAI's Gym. The code structure and implementation details are inspired by common RL practices and algorithms.


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