Directory stack scroller for ZSH
It uses the ZSH's own directory stack functions pushd
and popd
When you use _dir_scroller_prev
your current directory (top off the ZSH's stack)
is popd
into another stack, created by the plugin.
When you use _dir_scroller_next
, the directory from the top of the plugin's
stack is pushd
into ZSH's stack.
When you cd
to another directory, the plugin's stack is emptied.
Install with your favorite plugin manager. Or manually if that's your cup of tea.
zplug "sevanteri/zsh-dir-scroller"
Add key bindings to your liking. Here's a couple of examples:
# alt + left arrow and alt + right arrow
bindkey "^[[1;3D" _dir_scroller_prev
bindkey "^[[1;3C" _dir_scroller_next
# or for vi command mode
bindkey -M vicmd 'H' _dir_scroller_prev
bindkey -M vicmd 'L' _dir_scroller_next
If zle
's reset-prompt
is not enough, list prompt redraw functions the
following way:
export DIR_SCROLLER_RESETS=(prompt_pure_preprompt_render some_other_reset_func)