Django-charged is a REST / websocket app that allows (bitcoin) lightningd integration into a Django project
clone into your project folder /charged/
django-charged uses Channels (websockets) to communicate to the browser
pip install:
pylightning channels base58 channels_redis
#add to installed apps:
# location of your lightning-rpc
LIGHTNING_RPC = '/home/user/.lightning/lightning-rpc'
"default": {
"BACKEND": "channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer",
"hosts": [("localhost", 6379)],
ASGI_APPLICATION = "charged.routing.application"
Check if the connection to the LIGHTNING_RPC is working:
./manage lightning
`{"network": "testnet", "id": "03ef12386d4f39b8bc83e82bbad02579 ....`
url(r'^ln/', include('charged.urls')),
This also includes the Demo /ln/demo , which requires jquery-qrcode-0.14.0.js and jquery
The Worker process is used for monitoring the payments. Start the worker process:
./ runworker lnws
Access to REST-api is can be restriced. Some Views have the
@method_decorator(local_only, ...)
that restricts access to the local machine only.
Access can be further restricted by adding Views that proxy to the API.
$ curl
{"network": "testnet", "id": "03ef12386d4f39b8bc83e82bbad02579a54e42bd1e22cfd81bd2ca94124ec65792", "version": "v0.5.2-2016-11-21-2502-g9575136", "address": [{"address": "", "type": "ipv4", "port": 9735}, {"address": "", "type": "ipv4", "port": 9735}], "blockheight": 1292806, "port": 9735}
Create a new invoice
using msatoshi
$ curl -X POST -d msatoshi=10000 -d description='some text'
{"expires_at": 1523706622, "bolt11": "lntb100n1pddrh8wpp5j6d6emxqqxue...", "payment_hash": "969bacecc001b99d4607654a11bfe5e00ddb70eaa96b33ff3787f8d717d3cadc", "expiry_time": 1523706622}
Convert currency to BTC
$ curl -X POST -d currency=EUR -d amount=0.5 -d description='some text '
{"expires_at": 1523706754, "bolt11": "lntb77694290p1pddrhtjpp5vjltnw342hztrmz4rvmfsx89alwqcwv...", "payment_hash": "64beb9ba3555c4b1ec551b369818e5efdc0c399b542b01bc8f6b83cf99ca9948", "expiry_time": 1523706754}
$ curl
{"label": "4vs5mDZgRU", "expires_at": 1523708333, "payment_hash": "9c9adee3df4c652fe3c9e0d45a4d887961cdff2ba7260ca16d5e617097f2e35e", "msatoshi": 10000000, "status": "unpaid", "bolt11": "lntb100u1pddrcuapp5njddac7lf3jjlc7fur295nvg09su...
Send the 'wait_invoice' command to be notified over WS when the invoice is paid.
var mes = { message_type: "wait_invoice", payment_hash : ph };
ws.send(JSON.stringify(mes)) ;