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Anton Serputko edited this page Jan 4, 2018 · 4 revisions

Docker based performance testing framework

This framework could be used both for backend load testing with Apache Jmeter and frontend load test with + webpagetest private instance. Grafana monitoring allows to view and analyze results in real time

Getting Started

Framework consists of next services:

  • Grafana: data visualization & monitoring
  • Influxdb: time series DB platform for metrics & events(Time Series Data)
  • Telegraf: server agent for collecting & reporting metrics
  • set of tools for frontend load testing
  • Graphite: time series DB platform for metrics
  • Jenkins: continuous integration server for tests execution
  • Portainer: service for managing docker environment
  • Webpagetest: private instance of webpagetest server for frontend tests execution
  • Apache Jmeter: tool for backend load testing

Framework architecture:


To run framework install docker:

You should be able to run docker run hello-world with no errors.

For Windown share drives with docker:


  1. git clone this repository
  2. open performance-testing-framework dir
  3. docker-compose up -d All containers should be up and running

Services endpoints

  • jenkins localhost:8181
  • grafana localhost:8857
  • portainer localhost:9000
  • webpagetest server localhost:80
  • influxdb localhost:8653

Running the tests(demo)

Login to Jenkins with admin/admin(could be changed in docker-compose file) By default jenkins consists of 2 jobs:

  • BackendJob: run Jmeter scenarios
  • FrontendJob: run tests with and webpagetest private instance


To run jmeter demo script: Open BackendJob -> Build with Parameters -> Set build parameters -> Select scenario -> Build

This job will start jmeter docker container and execute demo_scenario.jmx jmeter scenario

Jmeter test deliverables:

  • jmeter log file
  • raw test results in report.log csv file
  • jmeter HTML report(available after test is finished)
  • grafana load test monitoring dashboard(real-time monitoring)


To run frontend test: Open FrontendJob -> Build with Parameters -> Set build parameters -> Build

This job will start docker container and run test with parameters using WebPageTest private instance

Frontend test deliverables:

  • HTML report
  • grafana load test monitoring dashboard(real-time monitoring)