Telegram Support Bot (Ticketing system for Telegram)
is a support bot for telegram bots, using the Telegraf framework (by @dotcypress). It lets users create tickets which will be send to a staff group and can be answered by a reply.
Telegram ticketing implementation:
See the WIKI for more detailed information.
was built on top of Telegraf
When a user sends a message to the support chat it will create a ticket which will be forwarded to the staff group. Any admin in the staff group may answer that ticket by just replying to it. Salutation is added automatically. Photos will be forwared too.
Currently the support chat offers these commands (staff commands):
- lists all open tickets (messages where noone has replied yet)/close
- close a ticket manually (in case someone writes 'thank you')/id
- returns your telegram id and the group chat id (1234567 -1234567890)/ban
- ban a person from writing to your chat
User commands:
- tells the user how to use this bot/help
- an overview over the commands or some explanation for the user/faq
- shows the FAQ
- File forwarding from and to user
- Database for handling open and closed tickets
- Restrict users
- Simple anti spam system
- Send tickets to different staff groups
- Private reply to user
- Anonymize users
- Auto reply based on keywords [beta]
- Web chat
See the WIKI for more detailed information.
mv config/config-sample.yaml config.yaml
Docker container:
Either with docker-compose:
docker-compose up -d
The latest version uses a new config file in YAML format which would break old versions.
In order to make old versions work with the master you would need to use the new config.yaml file instead of the config.ts file from before. The easiest would be if you copy the config-sample.yaml to config.yaml (both in the config folder) and edit the settings similar to your old config.ts file. There is no need to delete the database file so old tickets can be kept open.
To use the Telegram Bot API, you first have to get a bot account by chatting with BotFather.
BotFather will give you a token, something like 123456789:AbCdfGhIJKlmNoQQRsTUVwxyZ
You are welcome to contribute with pull requests, bug reports, ideas and donations.
Hit me up for hosting or other custom solutions @bostrot_bot