1.15.2 - 2024-12-03
Bug Fixes
(/build) Fix ValidationError in playstyle - (a096d31 )
(/characters) Fix IndexError - (17b1694 )
(/events) Fix invalid form body - (c6dd4cf )
(/profile) Fix team card settings button not being disabled - (1973a41 )
(/stats) Fix IndexError in ZZZ - (04d1a91 )
(deps) Update - (63af52b )
(deps) Update enka-api - (7eb4573 )
(deps) Fix enka-api - (85a178d )
Fix validation error in GI /events - (074248b )
Fix wrong mi18n text in HSR /stats - (5ff3dfd )
Fix event calendar draw input not using draw_locale func - (25ae84a )
Fix not passing in account param to EventCalendarView - (d0a8f47 )
Update and update code accordingly - (6908f6b )
Fix remove from cache button being enabled when it shouldn't be - (eb5210a )
Handle Akasha API errors more gracefully - (debe95d )
Add incomplete check in NicknameModal - (ff71ec2 )
Ignore TimeoutError when fetching akasha rank - (542cd87 )
Prevent StopIteration from next() functions - (9c74181 )
Fix AttributeError in /notes - (9593a4c )
Suppress discord.HTTPException error when editing or sending message - (c305569 )
Add delay between API requests when retrying - (9510559 )
Suppress TooManyArguments error in on_command_error - (cc965c9 )
Fix unable to show uid for shiyu - (a54d3ee )
Fix no results in unrelease content autofill - (cd5c2b2 )
Add variant param to /lb akasha - (3b62fc1 )
Add exploration details to /exploration - (4196225 )
Add /build genshin command - (bcfa2b6 )
(/profile) Add QoL changes to image settings - (14499db )
Increase talent text font size in HSR characters card - (f3d185f )
Improve /stats command - (5838b7c )
Add substat highlighting to ZZZ cards - (376fb44 )
Show loading bar in oauth callback - (378e94e )
Add some debug logging - (d3606cc )
Turn /characters into subcommand - (4530098 )
Turn /characters UI into a paginator - (bd440c8 )
Convert codes to redeem URLs before sending - (2706279 )
Miscellaneous Chores
(assets) Update assets - (f5a00fe )
(deps) Use git source for enka-py - (28495a4 )
(deps) Use git source for ambr-py - (ce96de6 )
(deps) lock file maintenance (#237 ) - (8b3c441 )
(deps) lock file maintenance (#238 ) - (2bf9f60 )
(deps) Change NovelAI package source - (840625e )
(deps) Use flet[all] - (2ca4f06 )
(deps) Use web extra for flet - (38ec093 )
(deps) update astral-sh/ruff-action action to v2 (#241 ) - (98ba543 )
Add back uvloop - (fad3a73 )
Export paginator components to dunder all - (b648134 )
Add Genshin element icons - (226df04 )
Allow LocaleStr in ItemWithDescription & ItemWithTrailing - (0972014 )
Organize files - (c540af0 )
Set up logger for web app - (b08df40 )
Add remembrance enum and emojis - (3ae6888 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.