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Continuous Integration

rrahn edited this page Jun 12, 2018 · 1 revision

What it is?

Continuous integration describes the process of executing a set of predefined tests on every PR made to the main repository, before the new code is merged into the productive system. This allows to detect errors early on and increases the code quality.

Our infrastructure:

We use at the moment two server solutions to run our automated tests. On the one hand we use Travis which is a CI service provider which is well integrated into GitHub. On the other hand, we manage a Jenkins server together with University of Tuebingen (projects: OpenMS and Ball), which allows to use more powerful servers and also use windows CI on dedicated VMs provided by the IT department of the FUB.

TODO Write more details.





  • seqan3-unix-ci:

    Builds the unit tests w/ and w/o serialisation support. Builds can be triggered through the GitHub comment: !unit

  • seqan3-doc-ci:

    Builds the user and developer docu. Builds can be triggered through the GitHub comment: !doc

  • seqan3-performance-ci:

    Builds the benchmark tests. Builds can be triggered through the GitHub comment: !perf

  • seqan3-coverage-ci: [TODO]

    Builds the coverage tests. Builds can be triggered through the GitHub comment: !cov

  • seqan3-memory-ci: [TODO]

    Builds the memory tests. Builds can be triggered through the GitHub comment: !mem

NOTE: All CI-tests can be invoked simultaneously by using the GitHub comment !rebuild.


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