Use scaffold re-aligning approach to detect the prevalence and recurrence of known fusion transcripts across samples
1.1 Perl version >= 5.10.2
1.2 HiSAT2 v2.1.0 (
The binary executable files have been integrated in ~/bin/hisat2-2.1.0/, please add a working path to Linux environment variables before running:
export PATH
1.3 HiSAT2 aligner HGFM index files (genome reference plus transcripts based on Ensembl GRCh38 version)
Users have to download the index files in ~/reference following the settings:
cd ~/reference
wget ""
tar -vxf grch38_tran.tar.gz
mv grch38_tran/genome_tran.* .
1.4 Samtools version >= 1.3 (
If samtools is not available in the system, users have to download and install it locally.
export PATH
1.5 R version >= 3.0.3 (
1.6 Genomic data and annotations
cd ~/reference
#-- whole genome sequences (build GRCh38 version)
wget "" && mv "GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa?download=1" GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa
#-- gene annotation file
wget "" && mv "Gene_hg38.txt?download=1" Gene_hg38.txt
#-- the human transcriptome sequences annotated from ensembl database (Ensembl Archive Release 89)
wget "" && mv "ensembl_transcript.fa?download=1" ensembl_transcript.fa
#-- the human transcriptome sequences annotated from GENCODE database (Release version 27)
wget "" && mv "gencode_transcript.fa?download=1" gencode_transcript.fa
#-- the human transcriptome sequences annotated from UCSC database (Release date: May 2019)
wget "" && mv "ucsc_transcript.fa?download=1" ucsc_transcript.fa
wget "" && mv "ucsc_refGene.txt?download=1" ucsc_refGene.txt
1.7 Set Perl libraries to environment variables
export PERL5LIB
NOTE: we recommend that users add the path of perl libraries to .bashrc, then "source .bashrc"
If users would like to use an optional aligner STAR instead of the default HiSAT2:
2.1 STAR v2.7.2d (
The binary executable files have been integrated in ~/bin/STAR-2.7.2d/, please add a working path to Linux environment variables before running:
export PATH
2.2 STAR aligner SA index files (genome reference plus transcript annotation in gtf format)
Users can download index files that were pre-build on basis of GRCh38 genome reference and Ensembl v89 transcript annotations)
cd ~/reference
wget ""
tar -vxf STAR_index.tar.gz
mv STAR_index/* .
NOTE: Users can generate their own genome indexes with most latest assemblies and annotations.
3.1 See running parameters
perl --help
3.2 An example of running:
--first ~/examples/input/raw_1.fastq
# Raw *.fastq or compressed *.fastq.gz file for the 1st end of paired-end reads
--second ~/examples/input/raw_2.fastq
# Raw *.fastq or compressed *.fastq.gz file for the 2nd end of paired-end reads
--geneA RCC1 --geneB ABHD12B
# Fusion partner gene names (Refseq gene symbol and Ensembl id are accepted)
--anchor 6
# (default: 6)
# Set the length of anchor. The minimum number of bases is required to match to geneA/geneB region in the scaffold sequence.
--trimm 0
# (default: 0)
# Set whether the input fastq reads are trimmed (1) or not (0)
--length 48
# Set the maximum length of reads, this option is only available when raw fastq reads are trimmed (--trimm 1)
# (default: hisat2)
# Set an aligner to map reads at transcriptome level using no-splicing mode (Options: hisat2 or star)
# (default: hisat2)
# Set an aligner to map reads at genome level using splicing mode (Options: hisat2 or star)
--trans_ref ensembl
# (default: ensembl)
# Set the resource of transcript sequence data (Options: gencode, ensembl or ucsc).
--p 8
# (default: 8)
# The number of threads for running in parallel.
--anno ~/reference/
# Set the directory path of genomic, transcriptomic sequences and annotations
--output ~/examples/output/
# Output directory
--scaffold ~/examples/input/RCC1_ABHD12B_scaff_seq.fa
# A list of fusion scaffold sequences in fasta format (if --scaffold is active, --coordinate has to be inactivated)
# For instance:
# >alt_0
# >alt_1
# NOTE: 1. '*' or '|' is accepted as a separator for breakpoint sequences.
# 2. To ensure the specificity of breakpoint sequences matching to the reference, we recommend that the lengths of 'XXXXXXXX' and 'YYYYYYYY' have to be at least 20 bp.
# 3. In general, the breakpoint sequences are composed of cDNAs (i.e. exon region). If users would like to detect the fusion sequences including intron/intergenic region, they have to set user-defined reference sequences, please see the usage of parameter "--user_ref".
--coordinate "chr1:34114119|chr2:65341523,chr1:3412125|chr2:65339145" or "chr1:34114119:+|chr2:65341523:-,chr1:3412125|chr2:65339145"
# Set genomic junction coordinates (build GRCh38) of breakpoint sites and strand directions (optional input) for GeneA and GeneB, e.g. chr1:34114119:+ and chr2:65341523:- correpsond to the chromosome names, genomic breakpoints and strand directions (optional) of GeneA and GeneB, respectively. (if --coordinate is active, --scaffold has to be inactivated)
--user_ref ~/upstream.fasta
# User-defined reference sequences, users can specify transcript reference sequences (or genomic sequences) in fasta format which are not present in the provided annotation databases.
# For instance:
# >RP11-599B13.3|alternative1
# NOTE: 'RP11-599B13.3' is the gene name and has to be identical to the input of gene partner names; 'alternative1' is the transcript name (please avoid using the symbol '_ $ % & # * @ ^ ? + ! < > | / \' in user-defined transcript name). Make sure both 'RP11-599B13.3' and 'alternative1' are together, and separated by '|'.
For example: ~/examples/output/
(cDNA sequences of geneA and geneB, and breakpoint sequence of scaffold in fasta format)discordant_split_1.txt, discordant_split_2.txt
(paired-end reads in fastq format: one-end maps to scaffold; the other maps to geneA/geneB)singlton_split_1.txt, singlton_split_2.txt
(paired-end reads in fastq format: one-end maps to scaffold; the other has no mapping to geneA/geneB)spanning_1.txt, spanning_2.txt
(paired-end reads in fastq format: one-end maps to geneA; the other maps to geneB)read_mapped_info
(mapping summary of discordant/singlton split reads and spanning reads)*final_read_mapped_info
(mapping summary of discordant/singlton split and spanning reads after filtering out unspecific mapping)*final_split_1.txt, final_split_2.txt
(merge discordant and singlton split reads in fastq format after filtering out unspecific mapping)*final_spanning_1.txt, final_spanning_1.txt
(spanning reads in fastq format after filtering out unspecific mapping)*final_spanning_noclip.sorted.bam
(filtered spanning reads mapped to GeneA/GeneB/scaffold sequence). If there are no spanning reads, "final_spanning_noclip.sorted.bam" is absent.*final_split_noclip.sorted.bam
(filtered discordant/singlton split reads mapped to GeneA/GeneB/scaffold sequence). If there are no discordant/singlton split reads, "final_split_noclip.sorted.bam" is absent.*summary_read_mapping_support.txt
(the number and fraction of discordant split and spanning reads that show a unique alignment to GeneA, GeneB and scaffold, after filtering out unspecific mapped reads)
*: files with bold name are important for users
5.1 See running parameters: perl --help
5.2 An example of running:
Users have to make a directory that contains outputs from
for summarizing. For instance in "examples" directory, if RCC1_ABHD12B_new folder is not present, mkdir RCC1_ABHD12B_new && cp -r output RCC1_ABHD12B_new/
, then run
as follows:
--input ~/examples/RCC1_ABHD12B_new
# Set the input path
--output ~/examples/RCC1_ABHD12B_summary
# Set the output directory of running ""
5.3 Summarize output directory of
For example: ~/examples/RCC1_ABHD12B_summary
* summary.txt
(the number of read support [discordant_split, singlton_split; spanning] for breakpoint scaffold sequence across a cohort of samples; statistics test for mapping distribution bias to scaffold sequence)
* alt_0
(concatenate all split reads across a cohort of samples, and align to scaffold sequence)
|--- "All_sample_split_1.txt, All_sample_split_2.txt" (paired-end discordant/singlton split reads concatenated across all samples)
|--- "All_sample_noclip.sorted.bam" (align concatenated split reads to scaffold sequence, and user can visualize this bam file uisng scaffold_ENST00000373833_49_ENST00000337334_48_seq.fa as reference by IGV)
|--- "p.value" (fisher exact test and chi-squred test for mapping distribution bias to upstream/downstream of scaffold sequence)
6.1 Install the Docker engine in your OS platform
- installing Docker on Linux
- installing Docker on Mac OS
- installing Docker on Windows (NOTE: We have not yet done enough testing on the Windows platform, so we would like to recieve more feedback on it)
6.2 Allocate computational resource to docker, e.g.
- Memory: min 4GB for ScaR running
- CPUs: 4 (Users have to set up based on their own hardwares)
- Swap: 1GB (ScaR does not need a large memory for running, so keep a small mount of Swap space)
6.3 Pull / Build ScaR engine image
6.3.1 Requirements
- For Linux and Mac users, root privilege is needed. If you are non-root user, please refer to this setting.
6.3.2 Pull image from Docker Hub/Cloud repositories
- Users can pull the ScaR engine image directly from Docker Hub (approx 9Gb) which has been built and pushed to Docker Hub/Cloud repositories in advance. Run
docker pull senzhao/scar:latest
. After that, check the image by typingdocker images
6.3.3 Build image from docker container (optional)
- If users would like to build the ScaR engine image instead of pulling it from Docker Hub, just download the soruce code and change to directory
cd ~/ScaR-master
, and then rundocker build --rm -t senzhao/scar:latest -f Dockerfile_ubunta .
. NOTE: building may take a long process (around 30 mins) and also needs a disk image size with at least 50G. - After building is done, check the images by typing
docker images
6.4 Run ScaR engine image
6.4.1 Usage - display all parameters: docker run -t --rm senzhao/scar perl /ScaR/
6.4.2 Run an example using the data in the "examples" directory:
docker run -t --rm -v /input_data_path/examples:/data senzhao/scar perl /ScaR/ --p 4 \
--first input/raw_1.fastq \
--second input/raw_2.fastq \
--geneA RCC1 --geneB ABHD12B --trimm 0 \
--scaffold input/RCC1_ABHD12B_scaff_seq.fa \
--anno /reference \
--output output
docker run -t --rm -v /input_data_path/examples:/data senzhao/scar perl /ScaR/ --p 4 \
--first input/raw_1.fastq \
--second input/raw_2.fastq \
--geneA RCC1 --geneB ABHD12B --trimm 0 \
--coordinate "chr1:28508159|chr14:50901829" \
--anno /reference \
--output output
Some notes for running ScaR using STAR aligner under Docker framework:
As STAR genome index files are very large, we do not pack them into container and create a huge image (it can be harder to distribute and use). The best way to load the STAR genome index files in host machine is to use a "bind mount" solution to attach the volume to the container. For example, if the storage directory in host machine is
,cd /input_data_path/examples wget "" tar -vxf STAR_index.tar.gz
If user would like to use the index files generated by theirselves, please make a new folder named
(always keep this name) and transfer all index files (e.g. SA, SAindex, Genome) within/input_data_path/examples/STAR_index
docker run -t --rm -v /input_data_path/examples:/data senzhao/scar perl /ScaR/ --p 4 \
--first input/raw_1.fastq \
--second input/raw_2.fastq \
--geneA RCC1 --geneB ABHD12B --trimm 0 \
--transAlign star \
--genomeAlign star \
--scaffold input/RCC1_ABHD12B_scaff_seq.fa \
--anno /reference \
--output output
- "perl /ScaR/" - the running path of ScaR in docker image (NOTE: keep it as "/ScaR/").
- "/input_data_path/examples" - set the full path of input directory (it contains both raw reads and scaffold sequence files) in host machine.
- "input/raw_1.fastq" - set the path of R1-end read file (relative path to input directory /input_data_path/examples in host machine).
- "input/raw_2.fastq" - set the path of R2-end read file (relative path to input directory /input_data_path/examples in host machine).
- "input/RCC1_ABHD12B_scaff_seq.fa" - set the path of scaffold sequence file (relative path to input directory /input_data_path/examples in host machine).
- "/reference" - the path of reference and annotation files in docker image (NOTE: keep it as "/reference")
- "output" - set the output of ScaR running (relative path to the directory /input_data_path/examples in host machine).
6.4.3 Run an example of
for summarizing the number of spanning and split reads across a cohort of samples:
Users have to make a directory that contains outputs from
for summarizing. For instance in "examples" directory, if RCC1_ABHD12B_new folder is not present, mkdir RCC1_ABHD12B_new && cp -r output RCC1_ABHD12B_new/
, then run
as follows.
docker run -t --rm -v /input_data_path/examples:/data senzhao/scar perl /ScaR/ \
--input RCC1_ABHD12B_new --output RCC1_ABHD12B_summary
- Kim D, Langmead B, and Salzberg SL, HISAT: a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements. Nature Methods 12, 357-360 (2015). DIO:10.1038/nmeth.3317
- Li H., Handsaker B., Wysoker A., Fennell T., Ruan J., Homer N., Marth G., Abecasis G., Durbin R. and 1000 Genome Project Data Processing Subgroup. The Sequence alignment/map (SAM) format and SAMtools. Bioinformatics, 25, 2078-9 (2009). DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp352
- Dobin A, Davis CA, Schlesinger F, et al. STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner. Bioinformatics. 2013;29(1):15–21. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts635
- Zhao S*., Andreas M Hoff*, Rolf I Skotheim, ScaR—a tool for sensitive detection of known fusion transcripts: establishing prevalence of fusions in testicular germ cell tumors. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2020, lqz025, (* equal contribution)