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🪽 ultralight-s3

~15KB lightweight S3 client with zero dependencies, designed for Node.js, edge computing like Cloudflare workers, AWS Lambda (and browsers - not implemented yet).

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  • 🚀 Lightweight: Only ~15KB minified
  • 🔧 Zero dependencies
  • 💻 Works on NodeJS, Cloudflare workers, ideal for edge computing (browser support - not implemented yet)
  • 🔑 Supports essential S3 APIs (list, put, get, delete and a few more)
  • 🔁 Streaming support & multipart uploads for large files
  • 📦 Bring your own S3 bucket

Table of Contents


import { S3 } from 'ultralight-s3';

// ... your configuration
const s3 = new S3({
  accessKeyId: 'your-access-key-id',
  secretAccessKey: 'your-secret-access-key',
  region: 'auto',
  bucket: 'your-bucket-name',

// List objects
const objects = await s3.list('/');

// Check if a file exists
const exists = await s3.fileExists('path/to/file.txt');

// Get a life
const data = await s3.get('path/to/life.txt');

// get a stream of a large file (first chunk)
const firstChunk = await s3.getResponse('path/to/large-file.mp4', false, 0).body;

// get a stream of a large file (all chunks)
const allChunks = await s3.getResponse('path/to/large-file.mp4', true);
for await (const chunk of allChunks.body) {

// Upload a large file
// by default is 5MB per request (minimum for AWS S3 is 5MB)
const chunkSize = s3.getMaxRequestSizeInBytes();
// Initiate multipart upload
const uploadId = await s3.getMultipartUploadId('randomFileName.fastaq', 'text/plain');
const buffer = randomBytes(chunkSize * 2 + 1024); // Just over 2 parts
const upload = await s3.uploadPart('randomFileName.fastaq', buffer, uploadId, 1);
const upload2 = await s3.uploadPart('randomFileName.fastaq', buffer, uploadId, 2);
const upload3 = await s3.uploadPart('randomFileName.fastaq', buffer, uploadId, 3);

// Complete multipart upload
const result = await s3.completeMultipartUpload('randomFileName.fastaq', uploadId, [
  { partNumber: 1, ETag: upload.ETag },
  { partNumber: 2, ETag: upload2.ETag },
  { partNumber: 3, ETag: upload3.ETag },

// Get file size
const size = await s3.getContentLength('path/to/file.txt');

// Put a file
await s3.put('path/to/file.txt', Buffer.from('Hello, World!'));

// Delete a file
await s3.delete('path/to/file.txt');

For some examples, check the dev directory and try to use it with Hono or Cloudflare Workers.


npm install ultralight-s3

# or

yarn add ultralight-s3

# or

pnpm add ultralight-s3

# or
# Not yet implemented
# <script src="" defer></script>


Minio (✅ tested)

import { S3 } from 'ultralight-s3';

const s3 = new S3({
  accessKeyId: 'your-access-key-id',
  secretAccessKey: 'your-secret-access-key',
  endpoint: '' || '',
  bucketName: 'your-bucket-name',
  region: 'auto', //optional -  by default is auto
  maxRequestSizeInBytes: 5242880, // optional - by default is 5MB
  requestAbortTimeout: undefined, // optional - for aborting requests
  logger: console, // optional - for debugging

Cloudflare R2 (✅ tested)

import { S3 } from 'ultralight-s3';

const s3 = new S3({
  accessKeyId: 'your-access-key-id',
  secretAccessKey: 'your-secret-access-key',
  endpoint: '',
  bucketName: 'your-bucket-name',
  region: 'auto', //optional -  by default is auto
  maxRequestSizeInBytes: 5242880, // optional - by default is 5MB
  requestAbortTimeout: undefined, // optional - for aborting requests
  logger: console, // optional - for debugging


(AWS Lambda, Azure, Google Cloud, Ceph, etc)

Not tested, but should work with other S3 compatible services. Full list - soon to come. PRs are welcome.


new S3(config: Object)

  • Input: A configuration object with the following properties:
    • accessKeyId: string: The access key ID for authentication.
    • secretAccessKey: string: The secret access key for authentication.
    • endpoint: string: The endpoint URL of the S3-compatible service.
    • bucketName: string: The name of the bucket to operate on.
    • region?: string (optional): The region of the S3 service (default: 'auto').
    • maxRequestSizeInBytes?: number (optional): The maximum size of a single request in bytes (minimum 5MB).
    • requestAbortTimeout?: number (optional): The timeout in milliseconds after which a request should be aborted.
    • logger?: Object (optional): A logger object with methods like info, warn, error.
  • Behavior: Creates a new instance of the S3 class with the provided configuration.
  • Returns: S3: An instance of the S3 class.

list(path?: string, prefix?: string, maxKeys?: number, method?: string, opts?: Object): Promise<Array<Object>>

  • Input:
    • path?: string (optional): The path to list objects from (default: '/').
    • prefix?: string (optional): The prefix to filter objects (default: '').
    • maxKeys?: number (optional): The maximum number of keys to return (default: 1000).
    • method?: string (optional): The HTTP method to use (default: 'GET').
    • opts?: Object (optional): Additional options for the list operation.
  • Behavior: Lists objects in the bucket, supporting pagination and filtering.
  • Returns: Promise<Array<Object>>: A promise that resolves to an array of objects or object metadata.

put(key: string, data: Buffer | string): Promise<Object>

  • Input:
    • key: string: The key of the object to put.
    • data: Buffer | string: The content of the object.
  • Behavior: Uploads an object to the bucket.
  • Returns: Promise<Object>: A promise that resolves to the response from the put operation.

get(key: string, opts?: Object): Promise

  • Input:
    • key: string: The key of the object to get.
    • opts?: Object (optional): Additional options for the get operation.
  • Behavior: Retrieves an object from the bucket.
  • Returns: Promise<string>: A promise that resolves to the content of the object.

getResponse(key: string, wholeFile?: boolean, rangeFrom?: number, rangeTo?: number, opts?: Object): Promise<Response>

  • Input:
    • key: string: The key of the object to get.
    • wholeFile?: boolean (optional): Whether to get the whole file or a part (default: true).
    • rangeFrom?: number (optional): The byte range from to get if not getting the whole file (default: 0).
    • rangeTo?: number (optional): The byte range to to get if not getting the whole file (default: maxRequestSizeInBytes). Note: rangeTo is inclusive.
    • opts?: Object (optional): Additional options for the get operation.
  • Behavior: Retrieves a response of an object from the bucket.
  • Returns: Promise<Response>: A promise that resolves to a Response of the object content. Use readableStream() to get the stream from .body.

delete(key: string): Promise

  • Input: key: string: The key of the object to delete.
  • Behavior: Deletes an object from the bucket.
  • Returns: Promise<string>: A promise that resolves to the response from the delete operation.

fileExists(key: string): Promise

  • Input: key: string: The key of the object to check.
  • Behavior: Checks if an object exists in the bucket.
  • Returns: Promise<boolean>: A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the object exists.

getContentLength(key: string): Promise

  • Input: key: string: The key of the object.
  • Behavior: Gets the content length of an object.
  • Returns: Promise<number>: A promise that resolves to the content length of the object in bytes.

getMultipartUploadId(key: string, fileType?: string): Promise

  • Input:
    • key: string: The key of the object to upload.
    • fileType?: string (optional): The MIME type of the file (default: 'application/octet-stream').
  • Behavior: Initiates a multipart upload.
  • Returns: Promise<string>: A promise that resolves to the upload ID for the multipart upload.

uploadPart(key: string, data: Buffer | string, uploadId: string, partNumber: number, opts?: Object): Promise<{ partNumber: number, ETag: string }>

  • Input:
    • key: string: The key of the object being uploaded.
    • data: Buffer | string: The content of the part.
    • uploadId: string: The upload ID of the multipart upload.
    • partNumber: number: The part number.
    • opts?: Object (optional): Additional options for the upload.
  • Behavior: Uploads a part in a multipart upload.
  • Returns: Promise<{ partNumber: number, ETag: string }>: A promise that resolves to an object containing the ETag and part number of the uploaded part.

completeMultipartUpload(key: string, uploadId: string, parts: Array<{ partNumber: number, ETag: string }>): Promise<Object>

  • Input:
    • key: string: The key of the object being uploaded.
    • uploadId: string: The upload ID of the multipart upload.
    • parts: Array<{ partNumber: number, ETag: string }>: An array of objects containing PartNumber and ETag for each part.
  • Behavior: Completes a multipart upload.
  • Returns: Promise<Object>: A promise that resolves to the result of the complete multipart upload operation.

abortMultipartUpload(key: string, uploadId: string): Promise<Object>

  • Input:
    • key: string: The key of the object being uploaded.
    • uploadId: string: The ID of the multipart upload to abort.
  • Behavior: Aborts a multipart upload.
  • Returns: Promise<Object>: A promise that resolves to the abort response.

bucketExists(): Promise

  • Behavior: Checks if the configured bucket exists.
  • Returns: Promise: A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the bucket exists.

Also all essential getters and setters for the config object.


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Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.