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SenseCity Web Frontend

The project contains SenseCity's platform web interface for non authorized users. Consists of main page with all available cities' list (url: and single page apps for each city (url: {city} A city's subdomain offers issues overview, report, search and general info.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

  • NodeJS - JavaScript runtime environment
  • npm - (installed with NodeJS)
  • @angular/cli - Environment to test and build the Angular application
  • create a global application configuration file as 'config.json'
    "API": "https://{api_URL}/api/1.0",
        "{city_name_1}":{"lat": {latitude}, "lng": {longitude}, "zoom": {integer ~ [11 , 14]}},
        "{city_name_2}":{"lat": {city_2_latitude}, "lng": {city_2_longitude}, "zoom": {integer ~ [11 , 14]}},
  • (optional) create city's fixed points (ex. garbage bins, municipality lighting) configuration file as '{city_name}.json'
    "type": "fotistiko",
    "notes": [
    "loc": {
      "coordinates": [
    "type": "garbage",
    "notes": [
        "ANAKIKLOSI": "0" *OR* "1"
    "loc": {
      "coordinates": [


A step by step series of actions that tell you how to get a development env running

  • clone this repository
  • cd ./repository
  • npm install - (Install dependency packages from package.json)
  • provide the configurations files at src/assets/env-specific/
  • ng serve - (Deploy test server)


A step by step series of actions that tell you how to get a production application running

  • clone this repository
  • cd ./repository
  • npm install - (Install dependency packages from package.json)
  • provide the configurations files at src/assets/env-specific/
  • ng build --prod - (Build dist application files to upload in your server setup)
  • copy generated "dist" folder in server's root
  • application is live

Built With


Please contact us - NAM group - to get informed for the development process and workflow.


  • Kostis Trantzas - Initial work - kostistr

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Apache2 License