OxyEngine is a full-featured cross-platform 2D game engine that allows you to develop games using C# and Python.
💬 | ✅ | develop |
master |
❗❗❗ Please note: This project in alpha stage of development at that moment. Do not use it for any production projects before first public release will be published. For now, OxyEngine does not guarantee backward compatibility of API and stability of your code.
These instructions will get you information to get started with engine.
If you are on Linux or MacOS, you need to install Mono SDK for debugging and running .NET executables.
Latest Mono SDK can be found here.
You need to install MonoGame SDK to compile assets and using ready-to-use remplates.
Latest MonoGame SDK can be found here.
You can found tutorials on the wiki page.
OxyEngine has only 2 native dependencies for Desktop from MonoGame: OpenAL and SDL2. Both of them are shipped with MonoGame.
More info in first tutorial.
This section will show you how to install OxyEngine into your .NET project.
Latest release you can find on NuGet.org.
Every successful builded commit to develop
branch push new nuget package to our custom NuGet feed:
MyGet feed (v3): https://www.myget.org/F/oxyteam/api/v3/index.json
MyGet feed (v2): https://www.myget.org/F/oxyteam/api/v2
After adding feeds, install Oxy.Engine NuGet package.
To install stable version of OxyEngine into your .NET Core App:
- Сlone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/OxyTeam/OxyEngine.git
Use master branch for only stable and production-ready code. You also can use default branch, but it may be unstable. - Select preffered configuration and Build solution.
- Reference OxyEngine.dll and other dependencies to you project.
See CHANGELOG.md for changes.
OxyEngine uses some third-party libraries and tools:
- MonoGame - One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games.
- IronPython - the Python programming language implementations for the .NET platform.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use Semantic Versioning for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Andrey Rublyov - Programmer - AndrewRublyov
- Andrey Belyaev - Programmer - Svetomech
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Big thanks to:
- Love2d team for inspiration for OxyEngine API.
- Guys from MonoGame team for great cross-platform game framework.
- IronLaungages developers for supporting and development of IronPython and other Iron languages.