ESD Workshop - Flutter Cross-Platform Development
Above you can open or download our presentation slides named:
- Installing
- Go to and register an account
- Yes, registration is needed because of some limitations if not logged in
- If asked to create an example project, press NO, we will provide you with one
- Go to our assignment page here, scroll to the very bottom, download the .zip
- On your Flutlab workspace, go to "Import Repository"
- Next, go to "Upload as a ZIP file" and attach our project
- You will be asked to provide a name - choose whatever you want.
- Our project will be available to you on your personal workspace now. 🥳
- You can read through and download the assignment here.
- Interactive App Building
- Code Integration Examples
- Overview of Flutter/Dart
- Flutter: Limitations and Considerations
- Flutter vs. Other Frameworks: A Comparative Analysis
- Dart vs. Java: Key Differences
- Understanding Widgets
- Layout Techniques: Container, Row, Column, etc.
- State Management in Flutter
- Utilizing Plugins and Packages
- Installation Guide for
- Choosing the Right IDE for Flutter
- Hands-on App Development
- Workshop Summary
- Additional Learning Resources
- Dart and Flutter Tutorial
- What's Flutter? - FreeCodeCamp
- Flutter Layout Widgets
- Frameworks for Cross-Platform Mobile App Development
- React Native Getting Started
- Xamarin Documentation
- Using Packages in Flutter
- Flutter Package Repository -
- Flutter for Web Development
- Flutter YouTube Tutorial
- State Management in Flutter
- Redux GitHub Issue Discussion
- Xamarin vs Flutter vs React Native - The Mobile Reality
- Xamarin, Flutter, and React Native Comparison - Promatics