Simple tool to compare two cameras with respect to their detection efficiency and the resulting pixel sizes in the actual image.
The main purpose of this little tool is:
- mainly to educate and increase the "understanding" of those values
- not to create a real quantitative comparison of existing camera models
Disclaimer: The code is purely experimental. Feel free to use it at your own risk. Chosen defaults are just "typical" values.
- QE: Quantum Efficiency of the detector
- Pixel Size: physical pixel size of the camera
- Binning: binning value of camera
- Camera Type: CCD, EM-CCD or CMOS
- EM-Gain: value of EM-gain (only valid for EM-CCDs)
- Readout Noise: noise during readout process chip (might vary depending on speed!)
- Dark Current: Noise created by dark current (might vary depending on cooling!)
- Clock-induced charge: spurious Noise appears in the form of Clock Induced Charge (CIC) in EMCCD technology.
- Photon Flux: number pf photons that get detected by a pixel on the chip
- Addition Magnification: USed to adapt the image pixel size to the desired sampling
- ReadNoise Factor: Uncertainty inherent to the signal multiplying process of EM-CCD = 1.41
- PixelArea Factor: Ratio of the physical pixel area of both detector. A factor of 2 means 4x the number of detected photons per pixel (!)
- Nyquist Sampling: desired sampling rate
- Emission wavelength: main emission wavelength of the detected signal
- Objective magnification and NA: parameters of the used objective(s)
- Pixel Size Image: resulting pixel size in image -> orange if too big for the desired sampling
- Pixel Size required: required pixel size to achieve the desired sampling