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AkamaiApi is a ruby library and command line utility to interact with Akamai CCU (Content Control Utility) and ECCU (Enhanced Content Control Utility) services.

Using the CLI

After gem installation you will have a CLI utility to execute operations on Akamai. Each method requires authentication. You can provide auth info using one of the following methods:

  • Passing --username (-u) and --password (-p) arguments at each invocation
  • Creating a config file in your HOME directory named .akamai_api.yml with the following format:
      - user
      - pass


When using the CLI you can work with both CCU and ECCU.

    akamai_api ccu          # CCU Interface
    akamai_api eccu         # ECCU Interface
    akamai_api help [TASK]  # Describe available tasks or one specific task

Use akamai_api help to view the help of the CLI.


In the CCU interface you can work with CP Codes and ARLs.

    akamai_api ccu cpcode          # CP Code CCU actions
    akamai_api ccu help [COMMAND]  # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
    akamai_api ccu arl             # ARL CCU actions

CP Code

    akamai_api ccu cpcode help [COMMAND]                  # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
    akamai_api ccu cpcode invalidate CPCODE1 CPCODE2 ...  # Purge CP Code(s) marking their cache as expired
    akamai_api ccu cpcode list                            # Print the list of CP Codes
    akamai_api ccu cpcode remove CPCODE1 CPCODE2 ...      # Purge CP Code(s) removing them from the cache

When removing or invalidating a CP Code you can provide the following optional arguments:

  • --domain: Specify if you want to work with production or staging. This is a completely optional argument and usually you don't need to set it.
  • --emails: Specify the list of email used by Akamai to send notifications about the purge request.


  akamai_api ccu arl help [COMMAND]                                                   # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  akamai_api ccu arl invalidate ...  # Purge ARL(s) marking their cache as expired
  akamai_api ccu arl remove ...      # Purge ARL(s) removing them from the cache

When removing or invalidating an ARL you can provide the following optional arguments:

  • --domain: Specify if you want to work with production or staging. This is a completely optional argument and usually you don't need to set it.
  • --emails: Specify the list of email used by Akamai to send notifications about the purge request.


In the ECCU interface you can see the requestes already published and publish your own requests.

    akamai_api eccu help [COMMAND]                           # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
    akamai_api eccu last_request                             # Print the last request made to ECCU
    akamai_api eccu publish_xml path/to/request.xml  # Publish a request made in XML for the specified Digital Property (usually the Host Header)
    akamai_api eccu requests                                 # Print the list of the last requests made to ECCU

Viewing Requests

You can see the requests published on ECCU using akamai_api eccu requests For each request you will see all its details (code, status, etc.) except the file content. To view the file content add the --content (-c) option.

To see only the last request you can use akamai_api eccu last_request.

Publishing Requests in XML

To publish requests made in XML (ECCU Request Format) you can use akamai_api eccu publish_xml.

  akamai_api publish_xml path/to/request.xml

  -pt, [--property-type=type]             # Type of enlisted properties
                                          # Default: hostheader
      [--no-exact-match]                  # Do not do an exact match on property names
  -e, [[email protected] [email protected]]  # Email(s) to use to send notification on status change
  -n, [--notes=NOTES]
                                          # Default: ECCU Request using AkamaiApi gem

The command takes two arguments:

  • the file containing the request;
  • the Digital Property to which you want to apply the request (usually it's the host);

As a Library

Remember to init the AkamaiApi gem with your login credentials. You can set your credentials with the following statement:

    AkamaiApi.config.merge! :auth => ['user', 'pass']
  • CpCode: model representing a CP Code. Use the ::all method to retrieve the list of available CpCode.
  • Ccu : CCU interface. Use the ::purge method to purge a list of resources.
  • EccuRequest: model representing an ECCU request.



    def purge action, type, items, args = {}
  • action: symbol or string. It should be remove or invalidate. See the CLI documentation for more details
  • type: symbol or string. It should be arl or cpcode. Use arl to purge a list of urls, and cpcodes to purge a list of cp codes
  • items: the list of the resources to clean
  • args: additional options (email, domain)


    AkamaiApi::Ccu.purge :remove, :arl, [''], :email => ['[email protected]']


    ccu = AkamaiApi::Ccu

    ccu.invalidate_cpcodes cpcodes # => wrapper to call .purge :invalidate, :cpcode
    ccu.invalidate_arl arls          # => wrapper to call .purge :invalidate, :arl
    ccu.invalidate :arl, arls        # => wrapper to call .purge :invalidate

    ccu.remove_cpcodes cpcodes # => wrapper to call .purge :remove, :cpcode
    ccu.remove_arl arls          # => wrapper to call .purge :remove, :arl
    ccu.remove :arl              # => wrapper to call .purge :remove


An EccuRequest is an object representing an ECCU Request. To see all the published requests use the ::all method. To retrieve only the last request, you can use the ::last method. The following code should be self explaining about both class methods and instance methods:

    all_requests_ids = EccuRequest.all_ids                     # => Returns all available requests ids
    first_request    = EccuRequest.find all_requests_ids.first # => Return the EccuRequest model with the specified code

    all_requests = EccuRequest.all  # => Returns all available requests
    last_request = EccuRequest.last # => Return the last available request

    last_request.update_notes! 'My new note' # => Invoke the ECCU service to change the notes field
    last_request.update_email! '[email protected]' # => Invoke the ECCU service to change the email to be notified on status change
    last_request.destroy                     # => Invoke the ECCU service to delete the request

Use the ::publish method to publish an ECCU Request:

    AkamaiApi::EccuRequest.publish '', my_content, args
    AkamaiApi::EccuRequest.publish_file '', 'path/to/file.xml', args

You can specify the following optional arguments in args: file_name, notes, version, emails, property_type, property_exact_match


  • Clone this repository

  • Run 'bundle install --binstubs=bin/stubs'

  • To run the specs, create the file spec/auth.rb with the following content:

     # Fill the following with your akamai login before running your spec
       :auth => ['user', 'pass']
  • Run specs with thor spec


Akamai proxy classes in Ruby







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