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React AutoSearchBox

A simple component for build autocomplete with customized menu.

Handle mouse event, keyboard event and touch event. Reference Usage part for detail.



  1. Run npm install to install required packages.
  2. Run npm run dev to launch webpack-dev-server.
  3. After step 2, you will see following message output in command console.
Project is running at
webpack output is served from /
  1. It might take some time for webpack to compiled. Please wait for message below output in the command console.
webpack: Compiled with warnings.

Note: To stop the program, just type ctrl + c in command console.



  • Focus on the input-box to trigger search / open the menu.

Mouse operations

  • Click on menu item to select it and display detail information of the App. The selected App will be add into search history after selected.

  • Mouse hover on a menu item will activated it.

  • Will close menu if areas outside are clicked.

  • Will clear value of the input-box, if click on the clear-button (x) of the input-box.

keyboard operations

When focus on the search-box, and use following keys to make operations.

  • Enter: For search or select item.

    • Trigger search for autocomplete, in case No activated item in menu.

    • Select current activated item, in case Exist an activated item in menu.

  • ArrowDown and ArrowUp: For activated next item.

    • Will display the item's name in search-box while operation (like Google search). Will open the menu, in case the menu was closed.

    • Deactivate items and rollback search-box's value, in case go back to the input-box.

    • Could loop the list and input-box, in case keep trigger/press the key.

    • Will auto-scroll the menu's scrollbar, to ensure next item is into view.

  • Delete For deselect the item, in case the item is activated.

    • In case there is No activated item in menu, then normal delete operation for input-box will performed (That is, delete character).
  • Escape For close the menu.

Render your own itemTemplate

Reference App and SuggestionItem to know how to use itemRenderer props of AutoSearchBox to render your own itemTemplate.

  • Example (Set render function by itemRenderer):
  • Example (Set render function bychildren of AutoSearchBox):
    {(props) => {
        const {
        } = props;

        return (
                        { []: isActive }
                    onClick={(e) => { onSelect(); }}
                    <div className={styles.label}>


    className: PropTypes.string,
    style: PropTypes.object,

    // className and style for input-box
    inputClassName: PropTypes.string,
    inputStyle: PropTypes.object,

    // className and style for menu
    menuClassName: PropTypes.string,
    menuStyle: PropTypes.object,

    // placeholder for input-box
    placeholder: PropTypes.string,

     * Callback invoked when search keywords
     * onSearch(keyword)
     * @ keyword
     * Type: string
     * Description: keyword for search
    onSearch: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

    // The number of milliseconds to throttle call onSearch callBack
    throttle: PropTypes.number,

    // Array of autocomplete list item's data
    menuItems: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),

     * function for get autocomplete list item's displayed name
     * getItemDisplayedName(itemData)
     * @ itemData
     * Type: object
     * Description: The item object in menuItems
    getItemDisplayedName: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

     * function for get autocomplete list item's unique id for render (as key)
     * getItemUniqueId(itemData)
     * @ itemData
     * Type: object
     * Description: The item object in menuItems
    getItemUniqueId: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

     * A "plan B" row renderer for rendering a autocomplete list item
     * By Default, will take 'children' prop to make render if children is a function
     * itemRenderer(props)
     * @ props.index
     * Type: number
     * Description: The array index of target item in list (start from 0)
     * @ props.isActive
     * Type: bool
     * Description: Specific target item is active or not
     * @ props.item
     * Type: object
     * Description: Target item's data (The item object in items)
     * @ props.onActive
     * Type: function
     * Description: Callback invoked when item is activated
     * @ props.onSelect
     * Type: function
     * Description: Callback invoked when item selected
     * @ props.onDeselect
     * Type: function
     * Description: Callback invoked when item deselected
    itemRenderer: PropTypes.func,

     * Callback invoked when a item is selected
     * onSelect(itemData)
     * @ itemData
     * Type: object
     * Description: The item object in menuItems
    onSelect: PropTypes.func,

     * Callback invoked when a item is deselected
     * onDeselect(itemData)
     * @ itemData
     * Type: object
     * Description: The item object in menuItems
    onDeselect: PropTypes.func
