Releases: seanpm2001/SNU_2D_ProgrammingTools
M3V7 Alpha - August 14th 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha - August 14th 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha
This release took me a while to make, I have been procrastinating a bit. I thought it was going to be tedious to work with (just the homepages for 4 programming languages part) but just like the majority of things I think may be tedious, it has actually been quite fun developing this update. I was originally supposed to release this on August 6th 2020, but there were delays.
Some prominent features were added to this version, including a GitHub/+GistHub mode, along with support for 9 new programming languages.
In this release, I:
- Added GitHub mode (
- Added GistHub mode (
- Added support for 5 dialects of BASIC (Dartmouth BASIC, MSX BASIC, MS QuickBasic, Object-Oriented-BASIC, and Unstructured BASIC)
- Increased support for ASP.NET
- Added support for the lisp dialect, Scheme
- Added support for Visual Basic .NET
- Added support for SXML (Scheme + XML)
- Created a homepage for 4 languages (Scheme, VB.NET, SXML, and BASIC)
I am pausing blockly imports for a while. This release is now finalized.
Version info
Commit count: 1755
Commits in last release: 1685
Commit change: 70
GitHub version: 10 (Friday, August 14th 2020 at 4:31 pm) GitHub Milestone 3 Version 7 Alpha
M3V7 Alpha August 2nd 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha August 2nd 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha
This release finalizes what I did today and the past 2 months.
In this release, I:
- Deleted 15 unnecessary
I am pausing blockly imports for a while. I plan on adding BASIC, SCHEME, and also further ASP.NET support next.
Version info
Commit count: 1685
Commits in last release: 1670
Commit change: 15
GitHub version: 9 (Saturday, August 2nd 2020 at 6:44 pm) GitHub Milestone 3 Version 7 Alpha
Milestone 3 Version 7 Alpha - August 2nd 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha August 2nd 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha
I haven't worked on adding Blockly support for a while. I have been working on this project from time to time for nearly 2 full months, and I am finally ready to make a new release
In this release, I:
- Added support for ASP.NET
- Added support for ASP
- Added support for Genie
- Added support for Boo
- Added support for Vala
- Added support for ABC
- Added support for C EDK2
- Added support for Dart
- Added support for ALGOL
- Added a file extension to the license
I am pausing blockly imports for a while.
Version info
Commit count: 1670
Commits in last release: 1528
Commit change: 142
GitHub version: 8 (Saturday, August 2nd 2020 at 6:08 pm) GitHub Milestone 3 Version7 Alpha
M3V7 Alpha June 16th 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha June 16th 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha
This is part of many new releases to the programming tools repositories where I add pre-existing support for Blockly. There is so much of it, and it is going to take some time to upload. I also plan to try and add CAML support as well in the finalized 1.0.3 build. It is going to take me some time to fully implement Blockly support.
In this version, I removed all the
files from the last version, and added further Blockly support. I also:
- Added support for WebAssembly
- Started support for Blockly 6
I still have 5 more versions of Blockly to add, then I will be caught up for now, until I add the next 9 versions of Blockly.
Version info
Commit count: 1528
Commits in last release: 1256
Commit change: 272
GitHub version: 7 (Tuesday, June 16th 2020 at 6:35 pm) GitHub Milestone 3 Version7 Alpha
Milestone 3 Version 7 Alpha - June 15th 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha June 15th 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha
This is part of many new releases to the programming tools repositories where I add pre-existing support for Blockly. There is so much of it, and it is going to take some time to upload. I also plan to try and add CAML support as well in the finalized 1.0.3 build. It is going to take me some time to fully implement Blockly support.
In this version, I removed all the
files from the last version, and added further Blockly support. I also:
- Added support for Caml
- Added homepages for all languages that are missing a homepage
- Organized scripts in many language folders, so that they are separate from other files
I still have 6 more versions of Blockly to add, then I will be caught up.
Version info
Commit count: 1256
Commits in last release: 999
Commit change: 257
GitHub version: 6 (Monday, June 15th 2020 at 4:55 pm) GitHub Milestone 3 Version7 Alpha
Milestone 3 Version 7 Alpha - June 15th 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha June 15th 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha
This is part of many new releases to the programming tools repositories where I add pre-existing support for Blockly. There is so much of it, and it is going to take some time to upload. I also plan to try and add CAML support as well in the finalized 1.0.3 build. It is going to take me some time to fully implement Blockly support.
In this version, I removed all the
files from the last version, and added further Blockly support.
Version info
Commit count: 999
Commits in last release: 777
Commit change: 222
GitHub version: 5 (Monday, June 15th 2020 at 12:10 am) GitHub Milestone 3 Version7 Alpha
Milestone 3 Version 7 Alpha - June 13th 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha June 13th 2020 build
M3V7 Alpha
This is part of many new releases to the programming tools repositories where I add pre-existing support for Blockly. There is so much of it, and it is going to take some time to upload. I also plan to try and add CAML support as well in the finalized 1.0.3 build. It is going to take me some time to fully implement Blockly support.
Version info
Commit count: 777
Commits in last release: 701
Commit change: 76
GitHub version: 4 (Saturday, June 13th 2020 at 8:10 pm) GitHub Milestone 3 Version7 Alpha
Milestone 3 Version 7 Alpha 1.0.2 - June 12th 2020 build
Milestone 3 Version 7 Alpha 1.0.2 - June 12th 2020 build
M3V7A1.0.2J12_2020 (Milestone 3 Version 7 Alpha 1.0.2 - June 12th 2020 build) is the 3rd GitHub release of the SNU programming tools module, with a couple changes. In this update, I:
- Added support for
- Removed all unneccessary
files (the ones that were used to create directories, but are no longer needed, but not the ones that tie the project together, such as directories that currently only have
file in them) this change cut several Kilobytes off the version, but more noticeably cut off over 100 files from the version, which is a more noticeable change compared to the Kilobytes that were removed
Not much was changed, but I just wanted to put this update out. I am looking for more languages to add, COBOL seemed like a good one today.
Commit count: 701
Commits in last release: 556
Commit change: 145
GitHub version: 3 (Friday, June 12th 2020 at 4:40 pm) M3V7 Alpha 1.0.2 - June 12th 2020 build
Alpha 1.0.1 Nightly June 8th 2020 update
Alpha 1.0.1 nightly June 8th 2020 release
This is the first nightly release on GitHub for this project.
In this nightly release, support for 2 more languages was added:
- Added Assembly support
- Added Markdown support
Commits in last release: 537
Commit total: 566
Commits since last release: 29
GitHub version: 2 (M3V7_Alpha1.0.1)
Released: June 8th 2020 at 10:37 pm
M3V7_Alpha1 (June 8th 2020 build)
SNU Milestone 3 Version 7 Programming Tools GitHub edition Alpha 1
Long name
This version of the programming tools center has been almost fully uploaded to GitHub, except for some files that were too big to upload. This is an advanced build, with existing partial support for over 3 dozen different languages.
GitHub version: 1
Commit count: 0,537
Released: Monday, June 8th 2020 at 3:18 pm