Reward distribution contract with time multiplier.
# Geyser V2 deployment
router: 0x90013fB4D3f9844f930f5dB8DD53CfF38824e3CF
vaultFactory: 0x8A09fFA4d4310c7F59DC538a1481D8Ba2214Cef0
vaultTemplate: 0x9F723008Eec3493A31b6fAf7d9fdf3a82322223C
proxyAdmin: 0xc70F5bc82ccb3de00400814ff8bD406C271db3c4
geyserRegistry: 0xFc43803F203e3821213bE687120aD44C8a21A7e7
- poolRef: 'UNI-ETH-AMPL-V2 (Beehive V7)'
deployment: 0x5Ec6f02D0b657E4a56d6020Bc21F19f2Ca13EcA9
- poolRef: 'Arrakis Vault V1 USDC/SPOT (RAKIS-35) (Fly V2)'
deployment: 0x392b58F407Efe1681a2EBB470600Bc2146D231a2
# - poolRef: "UNI-ETH-AMPL-V2 (Beehive V6)"
# deployment: 0xfa3A1B55f77D0cEd6706283c16296F8317c70e52
# - poolRef: "Arrakis Vault V1 USDC/SPOT (RAKIS-35) (Fly V1)"
# deployment: 0xAA17f42C2F28ba8eF1De171C5E8e4EBd3cd5F2Ec
# - poolRef: "UNI-ETH-AMPL-V2 (Beehive V5)"
# deployment: 0x5Bc95edc2a05247235dd5D6d1773B8cCB95D083B
# - poolRef: "WBTC-WETH-AMPL-BPT (Trinity V3)"
# deployment: 0x13ED22A00576E41B64B686857B484987a3Ad1A3B
# - poolRef: "aAMPL (Splendid V1)"
# deployment: 0x1Fee4745E70509fBDc718beDf5050F471298c1CE
# - poolRef: "WBTC-WETH-AMPL-BPT (Trinity V2)"
# deployment: 0x0ec93391752ef1A06AA2b83D15c3a5814651C891
# - poolRef: "SUSHI-ETH-AMPL (Pescadero V2)"
# deployment: 0x56eD0272f99eBD903043399A51794f966D72E526
# - poolRef: "BAL-SMART-AMPL-USDC (Old Faithful V2)"
# deployment: 0x914A766578C2397da969b3ca088e3e757249A435
# - poolRef: "UNI-ETH-AMPL-V2 (Beehive V4)"
# deployment: 0x88F12aE68315A89B885A2f1b0610fE2A9E1720B9
- name: 'Crucible'
template: 0x54e0395CFB4f39beF66DBCd5bD93Cca4E9273D56
owner: 0x2f47eD85fb37157D113243a150fc943d899701B1
router: 0x25BcaEd6377CEAA345f12C2005a42e669B8a29fC
vaultFactory: 0xceD5A1061F5507172059FE760CA2e9F050caBF02
vaultTemplate: 0x404C875EF7e361295a1d595bb51D7DD1960A1D3c
proxyAdmin: 0x5396479b65ed39360Ba6C16f6D7c9fd357674534
geyserRegistry: 0x60156bB86e9125639c624712a360FD3AbBb52421
- poolRef: 'PNG-AVAX-ETH-AMPL (The great geysir V1)'
deployment: 0x26645e8513B1D20aDb729E7114eDfA930D411720
externalVaultFactoriesWhitelisted: []
# Install project dependencies
# Run all unit tests (compatible with node v12+)
yarn test
To report bugs within this package, create an issue in this repository. For security issues, please contact [email protected]. When submitting code ensure that it is free of lint errors and has 100% test coverage.
# Compile contracts
yarn compile
# Lint code
yarn lint
# Format code
yarn format
# Run solidity coverage report (compatible with node v12)
yarn coverage
# Run solidity gas usage report
yarn profile
npx hardhat verify --network {base | baseGoerl} {contractAddress} {param1} {params2} ...
# eg. for PowerSwitch which has no params
# npx hardhat verify --network baseGoerli 0x1e183605197899029FCD2915C851eCC9653c7802