Releases: sealerio/sealer
Releases · sealerio/sealer
v0.11.0 🌈
What’s Changed
- feat: sealer build supports lite mode option (#2251) @kakaZhou719
- feat: save application spec to cluster (#2233) @kakaZhou719
- feat: support to set sealer rootfs dir (#2248) @kakaZhou719
🐛 Bug Fixes
- bugfix: add platform value to container image list (#2254) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: use instance name as saved name (#2260) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: return error if scale ip already in cluster (#2249) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: add lock to image blob list (#2238) @kakaZhou719
👻 Optimization and Maintenance
- refactor: set appcmds value to application (#2255) @kakaZhou719
- optimize: sealer common values (#2246) @kakaZhou719
- optimize: cluster cmd (#2234) @kakaZhou719
sealer 0.10.0 🌈
🚀 New Features
- feat: support pack different arch image together (#2184) @kakaZhou719
- feat: support env and appenv instruction (#2179) (#2207) @kakaZhou719
- feat: support env rendering for files in application/apps (#2140) @kakaZhou719
- feat: support cache sealer image (#2155) @kakaZhou719
- support apps flag in upgrade (#2186) @wizardlyk
- feature: dump localRegistry to cluster (#2134) @Stevent-fei
- support to set
for image save (#2187) @Stevent-fei - support delete taint (#2165) @Stevent-fei
👻 Optimization and Maintenance
- feat: change markdown lint tool (#2220) @kakaZhou719
- optimize scale-up and delete node (#2185) @wizardlyk
- Support binary upload to oss (#2159) @Stevent-fei
- Feat/make all masters equal and make join cmd more robust (#2218) @VinceCui
- optimization seautils (#2162) @Stevent-fei
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: should replace all LF string (#2211) @Cluas
- fix env bug (#2177) @wizardlyk
- bugfix: e2e test can not delete container infra (#2206) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: use os.Create to write env rendered file (#2175) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: use registered app name as final app name list (#2167) @kakaZhou719
- use pr head sha value to checkout code (#2205) (#2204) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: use 'uname -n' instead of 'hostname' to get hostname (#2197) @Daz-3ux
🚦 Tests
- Add config UT test (#2158) @amirrmonfared
📝 Doc
- chore: update roadmap doc (#2108) @starnop
- optimization readme doc (#2190) @Stevent-fei
v0.9.3 🌈
🚀 What’s Changed
- refactor: using a new progress bar SDK to sealer scp (#2136) @Lan-ce-lot
- support set tmp dir for load image (#2138) @kakaZhou719
- sealer support rollback cluster (#2115) @wizardlyk
- support set node name as node ip using env UseIPasNodeName. (#2135) @VinceCui
- support skip-tls-verify flag for pull push login (#2118) @kakaZhou719
- Feat: Allow user specify SvcCIDR and PodCIDR to render his kubeadm.yml, and auto generate DNSSvcIP, KubeSvcIP env. (#2106) @VinceCui
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix set host alias not save new hostalias info into clusterfile. (#2111) @VinceCui
- bugfix: return err when load image instance failed (#2112) @kakaZhou719
- fix: The progress bar is complete, but the actual file copy is still being done (#2157) @Lan-ce-lot
- bugfix: fix hosts.toml format (#2132) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: use clusterfile file to do upgrade (#2130) @kakaZhou719
- Fix cidr multi format. (#2125) @VinceCui
- bugfix: fix apply (#2116) @starnop
- fix get secret none (#2122) @zhy76
- skip run app via clusterfile Or run CLI (#2117) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix : write image extension to disk (#2137) @kakaZhou719
- Fix image name will be empty when use multi arch local image. (#2153) @VinceCui
👻 Optimization and Maintenance
- chore: delete unused code (#2085) @kakaZhou719
- Update kubeadm config version to v1beta3 (#2131) @Stevent-fei
- add decode check for application (#2093) @kakaZhou719
- add decode check for config (#2092) @kakaZhou719
- chore: add e2e coverage and run e2e when pull request (#2097) @zhy76
- update vendor (#2154) @Stevent-fei
- optimization mount list (#2141) @Stevent-fei
- Makefiles cross-compile arm (#2149) @cubxxw
🚦 Tests
- move login E2E test to image E2E test module (#2121) @kakaZhou719
- fix e2e build test (#2110) @Stevent-fei
- fix e2e build (#2101) @Stevent-fei
📝 Doc
- doc: replace ClusterImage to sealer image (#2104) @Stevent-fei
- Add docs for customize CRI. (#2107) @VinceCui
- doc: modify the cmd help message (#2128) @Stevent-fei
v0.9.2 🌈
🚀 Breaking Changes
- support containerd container-runtime (#1975) @VinceCui
- support multi arch image (#2019) @kakaZhou719
- support k0s runtime (#1879) @starComingup
- support sealer upgrade (#2047) @wizardlyk
🐯 Features
- feat:support modify app files via Clusterfile (#2057) @kakaZhou719
- add upgrade cmd (#2081) @wizardlyk
- feature: inhert APPCMDS (#2068) @starnop
- support --ignored-image-list ignoredlist args (#2020) @Stevent-fei
- feat:support multi arch for load and save (#2062) @kakaZhou719
- Feat/support nvidia docker and nonroot (#2048) @VinceCui
- feature: ensure to apply will always apply the applications (#2070) @starnop
- support heterogeneous cluster deployment (#2035) @kakaZhou719
- support mixed app type with appcmds (#2028) @kakaZhou719
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix mount and umount bug (#2029) @Stevent-fei
- bugfix:delete tmp build dir (#2069) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: add rw lock to scp progress bar (#2053) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: multi arch build get wrong arch (#2043) @kakaZhou719
- fix:CI Error: Resource not accessible by integration (#2034) @zhy76
- fix:GitHub action for e2e-test_comment doesn't show in checks for PR (#2031) @zhy76
- Plugin phase: post-init-host should before post-install-cluster (#2026) @VinceCui
👻 Optimization and Maintenance
- chore: expose the decode cluster interface to public (#2080) @starnop
- chore: optimize something (#2079) @starnop
- optimize: delete useless code (#2058) @Stevent-fei
- chore: update some deprecated tools in github action (#2046) @zhy76
- chore: update checkout and setup-go actions (#2041) @Lan-ce-lot
- use new k8s registry (#2074) @yuvraj9
- Optimize code for run apps (#2076) @kakaZhou719
- chore :fix gosec code (#2021) @Stevent-fei
- refactor: make image engine manifest resource codes more readable (#2067) @kakaZhou719
- use client-go to interact with the cluster in container and optimize code (#2014) @zhy76
- sealer local e2e test and CI using github action (#1922) @zhy76
📝 Doc
- Add contribution leaderboard badge to README (#2009) @frank-zsy
- Add introduction for rootfs. (#1977) @VinceCui
- doc: add E2E-test doc (#2051) @zhy76
🚦 Tests
- test: add sealer alpha mount/umount e2e test (#2033) @Stevent-fei
- Add unit test case for list image in charts (#1990) @amirrmonfared
- set CustomImageName to change TestImage and fix code (#2012) @zhy76
v0.9.1 🌈
🚀 Breaking Changes
- enrich the
's capabilities ,such ashCNI
(#1968) @starnop. - support to config sealer apps through
. (#1969) @kakaZhou719 - support to check out the artifact of image easily with
sealer alpha mount
. - support to inspect sealer image with more information,such as
container image list
💥 Features
- feature: store container image list to image spec (#1979) @starnop
- feature: enrich kubefile (#1980) @starnop
- Add sealer alpha mount command (#1848) @Stevent-fei
- feature: optimize app instruction (#1981) @starnop
- support specify appname for config (#1959) @kakaZhou719
- feat: support ipvs vip overwriting (#1945) @kakaZhou719
- Add CMD command to Kubefile (#1964) @Stevent-fei
- Feat: add application spec and implementation (#1974) @kakaZhou719
- chore: add container image list for image spec (#1960) @starnop
- support merge flags when use clusterfile for run and apply (#1955) @kakaZhou719
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix scheduler and kcm connect master0 bug. (#1971) @VinceCui
- fix run app bug (#1950) @jsparter
- bugfix: use deep walk to get launch files for shell and kube (#1983) @kakaZhou719
💥 Optimization and Maintenance
- modify lvscare name (#1937) @Stevent-fei
- Optimize github ci action (#1946) @kakaZhou719
- modify readme (#1936) @Stevent-fei
- use const as resource kind (#1962) @kakaZhou719
- user as apiversion (#1951) @kakaZhou719
sealer 0.8.7
What’s Changed
- fix plugin bug (#1854) @Stevent-fei
# Download and install sealer. Sealer is a binary tool of golang. You can download and unzip it directly to the bin directory, and the release page can also be downloaded
$ wget -c && \
tar -xvf sealer-v0.8.7-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/bin
[amd64 Download address]
[arm64 Download address]
sealer 0.9.0 🌈
🚀 Breaking Changes
- Clusterfile upgrade:
a. support config labels/taints/roles through Clusterfile
b. support config registry including local and external through Clusterfile
c. support config cluster host aliases through Clusterfile - support ipv4/ipv6 dual
- optimize the mechanism of plugins.
- support ha mode for local registry
- sealer image supports OCI standard based on buildah.
- sealer image spec v1alpha1 definitions.
- Kubefile upgrade:
a. support APP and LAUNCH instruction, support app type such as helm package, k8s yaml file, shell scripts. - move experimental cmd to alpha stage: prune,gen,debug,exec,cert,merge,upgrade,search.
💥 Features
- expose build-in ENV HostIP,RegistryDomain,RegistryPort,RegistryURL
- support
sealer scale-up
, will marksealer join
as deprecated sealer run
support to specify Clusterfile- save Clusterfile to cluster.
- build support specify image list file
🐛 Bug Fixes
- bugfix: update api server cert sans for all cluster cert (#1614) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: use right time stamp format (#1907) @kakaZhou719
- FIX: skip render the subcharts for sealer build. (#1690) @tgfree7
- Bugfix: using mergo to do deeply merge (#1679) @kakaZhou719
👻 Full Changelog
- no need save sealer binary to oss (#1932) @kakaZhou719
- feature: check image blob save and retry if not exist (#1931) @starnop
- update release.yaml run os to ubuntu-latest (#1930) @kakaZhou719
- chore: update concurrent for some logic (#1928) @starnop
- chore: rename variables (#1924) @kakaZhou719
- change action name (#1921) @Stevent-fei
- move run-app to run module (#1910) @Stevent-fei
- add --image-list imageList (#1864) @Stevent-fei
- move manifest to alpha (#1911) @Stevent-fei
- feat: support to add node labels via clusterfile (#1876) @kakaZhou719
- fix: duplicate download container images that already exist in base image (#1903) @Lan-ce-lot
- doc: add master0 recovery design (#1895) @kakaZhou719
- move search to alpha (#1902) @Stevent-fei
- chore: delete push CLI debug message (#1904) @jsparter
- modify cmd description and hock log info (#1890) @Stevent-fei
- update readme (#1883) @Stevent-fei
- support only load app image apply mode (#1884) @Stevent-fei
- catch err logs if umount failed (#1869) @kakaZhou719
- add image info (#1862) @Stevent-fei
- chore: delete unused docs file gen from sealer bin (#1863) @kakaZhou719
- support only load image apply mode (#1857) @Stevent-fei
- chore: delete fmt debug message (#1847) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: download images from imageListWithAuth.yaml (#1835) @kakaZhou719
- Update (#1838) @starnop
- move check to alpha module (#1833) @Stevent-fei
- Support skip clean hooks when cluster workspace not exist. (#1832) @VinceCui
- cmd: polish cmd discription to add user readablity (#1826) @Stevent-fei
- Fix: 1. should not trim Config's empty line; 2. if no registry dir exist in AppImage, should skip scp it. (#1830) @VinceCui
- Fix concurrent map read bug. (#1828) @VinceCui
- Remove unprofessional descriptions. (#1829) @VinceCui
- support delete -f (#1824) @Stevent-fei
- add log message for sealer apply (#1827) @kakaZhou719
- support cluster scale up via sealer apply cli (#1818) @kakaZhou719
- fix:sealer run bug (#1825) @Stevent-fei
- fix:If join a node fail, it will be stored in ClusterFile and can't join it again (#1823) @zhy76
- delete cluster add prune options (#1793) @YTGhost
- When sealer run, clean /var/lib/sealer/data/linux_amd64_ if exists (#1815) @zhy76
- Feat/new sealer ipv6 dual (#1804) @VinceCui
- support apply command (#1808) @Stevent-fei
- Add scale-up command (#1810) @Stevent-fei
- move sealer cert command (#1809) @Stevent-fei
- support sealer run-app sub command (#1799) @kakaZhou719
- fix: Distribute rootfs (#1797) @Stevent-fei
- Fix some bugs (#1795) @VinceCui
- optimize:no need launch local registry when join node (#1794) @kakaZhou719
- optimize: load plugins before image distributor (#1792) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: no need to run hooks for app (#1785) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: use new clusterfile logic to update api server cert (#1782) @kakaZhou719
- optimize: make lvs care image as a const value under sealer repo (#1784) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: run shell plugins on rootfs (#1781) @kakaZhou719
- optimize: configure registry access credential via sdk (#1779) @kakaZhou719
- support to get registry config from cluster env (#1775) @Stevent-fei
- support to set host aliases via clusterfile (#1774) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: support to clean cluster if failed to run cluster image (#1772) @kakaZhou719
- optimize cluster runtime (#1769) @kakaZhou719
- delete duplicate cmd load (#1767) @jsparter
- add app installer to sealer run (#1764) @kakaZhou719
- vendor kubeadm/v1beta2 rather than directly import this golang file (#1758) @zhy76
- fix k0s reset bug. (#1753) @starComingup
- Fix/k0s runtime (#1741) @starComingup
- feat: set default image pull policy as always (#1729) @YTGhost
- fix: remove exit status 1 and display stderr info (#1705) @allencloud
- move BuildRootfs content to CreateWorkingContainer (#1728) @jsparter
- fix ci lint (#1740) @justadogistaken
- add apt-get update in workflows (#1739) @jsparter
- Fix: check tmpBlob length (#1732) @YTGhost
- Fix: ensure clusterfile path not empty (#1721) @tgfree7
- Fix: image mount panic (#1719) @tgfree7
- optimize the buildah options (#1716) @justadogistaken
- Fix: cmd rmi images with flags (#1711) @tgfree7
- docs: remove Chinese docs which are out of maintain (#1714) @allencloud
- remove --all flag for rmi (#1715) @tgfree7
- Fix: unmarshal manifest failed (#1708) @tgfree7
- Feature: k0s runtime remain work (#1686) @starComingup
- Fix: overlay umount error by mountpoint (#1698) @tgfree7
- feat: make plugin's on support | (#1683) @YTGhost
- fix: ensure overlay loaded (#1701) @YTGhost
- feat: relaxing overlay mount restrictions (#1700) @YTGhost
- upgrade helm to v3.9.4 (#1684) @justadogistaken
- Optimization: Categorize cmd modules by type (#1680) @Stevent-fei
- fix: failed to get driver(overlay) (#1688) @justadogistaken
- fix: set a default storage conf (#1685) @justadogistaken
- bugfix: fix different log colors (#1654) @kakaZhou719
- change sealer default version to unknown instead of latest. (#1668) @justadogistaken
- optimization: be rigorous when check if kubectl command exists (#1665) @yummypeng
- cmd: add logout and remove useless var of login (#1661) @jsparter
- bugfix: fix runtime wrong config when join node (#1653) @kakaZhou719
- optimize: build in docker (#1641) @justadogistaken
- fix dependent alerts (#1637) @justadogistaken
- fix dependent alerts (#1635) @justadogistaken
- Feature: build cluster image with buildah (#1611) @justadogistaken
- [proposal] propose new instructions in kubefile (#1601) @justadogistaken
- change get to install (#1631) @justadogistaken
- upgrade action (#1627) @justadogistaken
- docs: add git --signoff (#1616) @jsparter
- doc: make Readme more readable (#1594) @kakaZhou719
- Chore: delete useless files (#1587) @kakaZhou719
- add codecov badge for sealer (#1586) @allencloud
- Optimize: move experimental cmd to alpha stage (#1577) @kakaZhou719
- feature: k0s init, import some dependencies form k0sproject. (#1619) @starComingup
- bugfix: update api server cert sans for all cluster cert (#1614) @kakaZhou719
- build(deps): bump from 1.25.0 to 1.27.1 (#1746) @dependabot
- set lvscare health path and health schem for registry server (#1926) @kakaZhou719
- Fix: set ipvscare static pod for local HA registry. (#1919) @VinceCui
- feature: support v1alpha1 image spec (#1918) @starnop
- Support host alias and some other feats, fix some bugs. (#1875) @VinceCui
- support launch app via its name though clusterfile or cli (#1917) @kakaZhou719
- support taint cluster node through clusterfile (#1894) @Stevent-fei
- spec: add image spec definition (#1915) @starnop
- feat: support ha mode for local registry (#1901) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: use right time stamp format (#1907) @kakaZhou719
- feat: save clusterfile to the cluster (#1873) @kakaZhou719
- feat: add shell type for APP instruction (#1885) @kakaZhou719
- refactor: replace the deprecated package io/ioutil with os and io (#1865) @Lan-ce-lot
- sealer run-app supports concurrent run (#1850) @kakaZhou719
- support multi-platform build (#1820) @justadogistaken
- bugfix: image save use ociv1 format (#1813) @kakaZhou719
- Fix bugs v2 (#1798) @VinceCui
- support default HostIp (#1791) @Stevent-fei
- bugfix: add independent host at cluster for sealer join (#1789) @kakaZhou719
- chore: group go imports by blank (#1773) @starnop
- Add cmd ut (#1765) @Stevent-fei
- Sealer Application definition (#1658) @justadogistaken
- [Refactor] Add infra-driver, cluster-runtime, container-runtime, registry-configurator interface (#1621) @justadogistaken
- refactor: move from io/ioutil to io and os packages (#1759) @Juneezee
- build(deps): bump from 1.25.0 to 1.27.1 (#1746) @dependabot
- FIX: skip render the subcharts for sealer build. (#1690) @tgfree7
- Bugfix: using mergo to do deeply merge (#1679) @kakaZhou719
- Fix: using k0s to lead install, because k0sctl do not support external CRI. (#1659) @starComingup
- [optimization] make decoding clusterfile more simple and readable (#1674) @kakaZhou719
- remove build type flag for build command (#1671) @allencloud
- remove build in old way (#1639) @justadogistaken
- feature: k0s init, import some dependencies form k0sproject. (#1619) @starComingup
- bugfix: update api server cert sans for all cluster cert (#1614) @kakaZhou719
- refactor: simplify to make cluster cert codes more readable (#1617) @kakaZhou719
- Optimize k8s runtime (#1600) @kakaZhou719
- modify the method to get the node ip (#1593) @Stevent-fei
- Refactor runtime module (#1578) @starComingup
v0.8.6 🌈
What’s Changed
🚀 Features
- Feature/add remote logger; Silence useless info (#1492) @VinceCui
- optimize: write log message to disk (#1552) @kakaZhou719
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix sealer cert --alt-names bug (#1543) @Stevent-fei
- Use template from go standard library rather than html's (#1505) @VinceCui
- shell: make sh and /bin/bash compatible on more OS(Ubuntu) (#1508) @allencloud
- bugfix: add auth flag for cluster scale (#1489) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: set wrong auth domain at sealer login (#1471) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: add deduplication operation for plugin load (#1464) @kakaZhou719
- fix taint not working (#1440) @bxy4543
- Bugfix: set debug level as default for file logger (#1441) @kakaZhou719
- bugfix: k8s admin configuration file is not copied to current user (#1432) @tanxiaoning007
- bugfix: set right size of manifest descriptor for sealer push (#1413) @kakaZhou719
- fix: generate wrong apiserver certificate when modify svcCidr (#1420) @sfeng1996
- fix: the registry certificate of the non master node was not updated … (#1408) @sfeng1996
- bugfix:load offline images into CloudImage (#1407) @kakaZhou719
- fix: wrong function to get master IP address (#1359) @bxy4543
- fix: panic when pull arm image (#1561) @sfeng1996
- optimize: parse the custom resource definitions method refactoring (#1409) @bxy4543
- remove the library path of the imageRepository configured by kubeadm (#1423) @bxy4543
📝 Documentation updates
- docs: update roadmap of sealer (#1496) @allencloud
- docs: update sealer command document via cobra (#1479) @allencloud
- chore: replace cloud image with ClusterImage (#1473) @allencloud
- docs: add a detailed introduction of Kubefile (#1393) @allencloud
- cmd: polish cmd discription to add user readablity (#1382) @allencloud
- chore: proofread typo and grammar (#1357) @kakaZhou719
- fix Chinese comma to be English (#1355) @allencloud
- docs: update adopters to add more details (#1502) @r67yfyt
- docs: add Mingyuan Cloud best practise in production in adopters (#1467) @allencloud
- docs: update adopters to add more details (#1436) @allencloud
👻 Maintenance
- Chore: delete rootfs scripts from sealer repo (#1426) @kakaZhou719
- optimize utils pkgs (#1395) @kakaZhou719
- optimize utils: group scattered func into their respective pkgs (#1389) @kakaZhou719
- optimize:move utils func to pkg (#1381) @kakaZhou719
- chore: separate net pkg from utils (#1376) @kakaZhou719
- move web site from sealer repo to separate repo (#1379) @kakaZhou719
- move out applications (#1373) @kakaZhou719
- Chore: move sealer cmd and seautil cmd to root cmd dir (#1368) @kakaZhou719
- chore: rename run args to apply args; delete unused code (#1364) @kakaZhou719
- cmd: add root command description and output sealer version when failure (#1362) @allencloud
- chore: add github action for writing release draft automatically (#1550) @kakaZhou719
- log: make sealer log printing unified, structured and more readable (#1568) @allencloud
- fix: the issue template can't match the labels in Sealer (#1544) @starComingup
- issue template improve: make issue more clearly (#1536) @starComingup
- remove rust ClusterImage building related files (#1517) @allencloud
🚦 Tests
- test: make unit test work and add codecov github action (#1476) @allencloud
💥 Optimization
- refactor: use net.IP after dealing IP string in validation (#1566) @allencloud
- refactor: make run command args dealing more explicit (#1500) @allencloud
- chore: replace cloud image with ClusterImage (#1473) @allencloud
- refactor: replace logger package with well-known logrus (#1462) @allencloud
- refactor: refactor docker auth and move to client pkg (#1386) @kakaZhou719
sealer 0.8.5
release note
🚀 bugfix:
- optimize log and support hide log time and path
- bugfix: no need to get clusterfile content form all layers
# Download and install sealer. Sealer is a binary tool of golang. You can download and unzip it directly to the bin directory, and the release page can also be downloaded
$ wget -c && \
tar -xvf sealer-v0.8.5-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/bin
[amd64 Download address]
[arm64 Download address]
sealer 0.8.4-beta.0
release note
🚀 bugfix:
- dump config if not exist; not to send registry if not exist
- bugfix: support copy dest with file name
- set normalized image name as manifestslist key
# Download and install sealer. Sealer is a binary tool of golang. You can download and unzip it directly to the bin directory, and the release page can also be downloaded
$ wget -c && \
tar -xvf sealer-v0.8.4-beta.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/bin