## Component proposal
RGBH Video Switcher : TS5V330D
Player control switcher : SN74LVCH16T245
Streaming encoder : hi3519av100 (IP Camera SoC)* Zynq 7000 are not powerfull enought to provide 1080p transcoding, all H.264/H.265 IP are designed for Ultrascale or 7035 and above SoC... So an alternate solution is to use an IP Camera SoC like Hisilicon Hi3516 that expose a pcie bus and talk with RGB, HDMI In/Out through this bus via a smaller FPGA .
Must have features :
- 6 in 1 Jamma Switcher with support of -5, Mono/Stereo audio via RCA, 2/4 Players up to 8 buttons per players.
- USB HID over a virtual USB HUB to allow connection of moderne devices like Raspbery, Xbox, PS4, ect...
- RGBH Downscaller to 15/24/31 kHz on jamma connector to support old cathodic tubes.
Nice to have :
- HDMI Out
- Multiplayer Netplay via streamming
- Cloudgamming