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Upgrading a Scylla Cluster

Eduardo Benzecri edited this page Dec 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

Performing an automated major upgrade on a Scylla cluster


Each Scylla release contains a set of enhancements including new features, performance improvement and security checks. It's highly recommended to keep your cluster upgraded to the latest version available.

Feel free to check our Upgrade procedures.


How to proceed

  1. Download the playbook here.
  2. Uncomment # - scylla_edition: and set the right value based on your current installation (enterprise or oss)
  3. Uncomment # - scylla_version: latest
  4. If you haven't define the remote Ansible user, please uncomment # remote_user: scylla and set the right user
  5. Execute ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini rolling_major_upgrade.yml

Bear in mind, by design, the upgrade will be done one node per time. Once the node is upgraded, the whole cluster status will be checked before proceeding to the next one.