Each folder contains the whitebox attack code, the attacked model and the resulting adversarial examples
- all the adversarial examples can be created starting from SWaT dataset available upon request from iTrust Singapore http://itrust.sutd.edu.sg/
Spoofing Framework folder contains the SWaT data and the black-box adversarial examples generated with the framework by Erba et al. https://github.com/scy-phy/ICS_Generic_Concealment_Attacks
compute_cost_sample.py is the script used to compute the Euclidean and hamming distance
When you use the code from this repository, please cite our work as follows
author="Erba, Alessandro
and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole",
title="White-Box Concealment Attacks Against Anomaly Detectors for Cyber-Physical Systems",
booktitle="Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment",
publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland",