This repo contains the source code and deployment configuration for a prototype system designed for an end-to-end demonstration that will:
- Subscribe to a Hopskotch topic to receive alerts simulating input from MMA data sources (e.g. GCN, LIGO, ICECUBE, ZTF).
- Archive the incoming alerts in a database.
- Analyze incoming alerts using processing pipelines that generate derived alerts.
- Publish derived alerts to a dedicated Hopskotch topic.
- Create a TOM based on the TOM Toolkit and subscribe to the derived alert Hopskotch topic via a custom alert broker module to generate targets that drive observation requests to an observatory.
The hop.SCiMMA service provides a centralized hub for publishing and subscribing to access-controlled alert streams via the Hopskotch protocol. This demo includes two primary components with subcomponents described below.
MMA alert broker
The MMA alert broker is comprised of a set of independent services running as containers in Kubernetes Deployments and Jobs. The components are as follows:
Source data publisher. To simulate an MMA alert stream coming from an observation instrument, the source data publisher takes data from the historic GW170817 event and publishes it to a Hopskotch
topic. -
Source alert ingest. The source alert ingest subscribes to the
Hopskotch topic and ingests downloaded alert message into the broker database (DB). -
Classifier. The classifier polls the DB for new source data and runs a processing pipeline on the data to calculate the probability that the incoming photometry data corresponds to a kilonova event. These results are stored in the broker DB in a dedicated table.
Alert publisher. The alert publisher polls the broker DB results table and generates alert messages that it publishes to a Hopskotch
topic. This alert stream is consumed by the TOM.
Targeting and observation monitor (TOM)
The TOM is based on the TOM Toolkit framework (see links below).
A custom OIDC authentication was added, utilizing our own Keycloak server backed by the NCSA CILogon service.
A custom alert broker module was developed to define and run alert queries against the demo broker described above.
contains the ArgoCD manifests that drive the top-level deployment. The relevantApplication
manifest will be manually added as an app in the ArgoCD deployment accessible at
contains Helm chart definitions referenced by the ArgoCD applications./src
contains source code related to the constituent components. Dockerfiles that define container images are stored here./docs
contains documentation related to this project.