- writing all pangenome tools in rust.
- This part compares the two pangenome alignment with the same query and a different reference and anchors the query across both.
- please see the last commit message and if it says compiled binary then it is completed or else still in development version.
cargo build
λ gauravsablok rust-pangenome-matcher → λ git main* → ./target/debug/rust-pangenome-matcher -h
Usage: rust-pangenome-matcher <PAFALIGNMENT1> <PAFALIGNMENT2>
<PAFALIGNMENT1> please provide the path to the first alignment file
<PAFALIGNMENT2> please provide the path to the second alignment file
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
- to run the binary
λ gauravsablok rust-pangenome-matcher → λ git main* → ./target/debug/rust-pangenome-matcher ./sample-files/test1.paf ./sample-files/test2.paf
The comparative reference files have been written
The comparative query files have been written
The pangenome matcher has produced the results: The pangenome alignments have been parsed and the comparative results have been written
Gaurav Sablok