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General values

Key Type Default Description
image: tag: string <latest version> Container image tag
image: digest: string <latest digest> Container image digest, takes precedence over tag when specified
image: repository: string nginx Container image repository
image: pullPolicy: string IfNotPresent Kubernetes image pull policy
metadata: labels: {[ string]: string} {} Common labels for all resources
metadata: annotations: {[ string]: string} {} Common annotations for all resources
podAnnotations: {[ string]: string} {} Annotations applied to pods
imagePullSecrets: [...corev1.LocalObjectReference] [] Kubernetes image pull secrets
tolerations: [ ...corev1.#Toleration] [] Kubernetes toleration
affinity: corev1.#Affinity {} Kubernetes affinity and anti-affinity
resources: corev1.#ResourceRequirements {} Kubernetes resource requests and limits
topologySpreadConstraints: [...corev1.#TopologySpreadConstraint] [] Kubernetes pod topology spread constraints
podSecurityContext: corev1.#PodSecurityContext {} Kubernetes pod security context
securityContext: corev1.#SecurityContext {} Kubernetes container security context

Recommended values

Comply with the restricted Kubernetes pod security standard:

values: {
	podSecurityContext: {
		runAsUser:  65532
		runAsGroup: 65532
		fsGroup:    65532
	securityContext: {
		allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
		readOnlyRootFilesystem:   false
		runAsNonRoot:             true
		capabilities: drop: ["ALL"]
		seccompProfile: type: "RuntimeDefault"

Bundle usage example(s)

Example with redis

bundle: {
	_env:       "none"   @timoni(runtime:string:ENV)
	_tag:       "latest" @timoni(runtime:string:GITHUB_REF_NAME)

	apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
	name:       "demo-app"
	instances: {
		// export ENV=dev will trigger redis deployment
		if _env == "dev" {
			redis: {
				module: {
					url:     "oci://"
					version: "7.2.1"
				namespace: "test"
				values: maxmemory: 256
		deployment: {
			module: url:     "oci://"
			module: version: _tag
			namespace: "test"
			values: {
				image: {
					repository: "nginx"
					digest:     "sha256:d2b0e52d7c2e5dd9fe5266b163e14d41ed97fd380deb55a36ff17efd145549cd"
					tag:        "1.25.1"