With the 5.3.0 release of neutralinojs, an application can have a transparent background on Windows. This extension for neutralinojs let's you blur the background behind the application, thus giving your window a 'vibrant' look.
The extension is designed to work with Win 7, Win 10 and Win 11. Unfortunately neutralinojs' transparent mode fails on Win 7 as it simply makes the complete window invisible. So for this to work, you either need Win 10 or Win 11.
The project is separated into two different folders:
- /app - A barebones neutralinojs template, showcasing the usage of the extension
- /src - The C++ sourcecode
Start by cloning the repository:
git clone https://github.com/scanline/neutralinojs-ext-vibrancy
Get into the app directory and use the neu CLI to download it's binaries:
cd app
neu update
Now we need to compile the C++ source. This needs a working C++ build environment (MSVC, MinGW) and for making things easier CMake.
cd ../src
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build --config Release
This will build the extension to app/extensions/extVibrancy/bin.exe.
If you're a purist and prefer invoking the compiler directly, you can do so too of course.
For example using MinGW's g++ compiler:
md obj
md ..\app\extensions\extVibrancy
g++.exe -std=c++11 -D_WEBSOCKETPP_CPP11_STL_ -DASIO_STANDALONE -D_WEBSOCKETPP_CPP11_THREAD_ -Os -I.\lib\ -c main.cpp -o obj\main.o
g++.exe -o ..\app\extensions\extVibrancy\bin.exe obj\main.o -s -static -lws2_32
Of course you can also get the compiled binary from Releases.
Now go back to the application and start it:
cd ../app
neu run
Usage is quite simple. Activate:
Neutralino.extensions.dispatch("extVibrancy", "vibrancy", {
activate: true,
pid: NL_PID
Neutralino.extensions.dispatch("extVibrancy", "vibrancy", {
activate: false,
pid: NL_PID