RBACQ simplifies querying Subjects and Rights specified in Kubernetes through Roles/ClusterRoles and RoleBindings/ClusterRoleBindings.
Go to the releases page and download the Linux or Windows version. Put the binary to somewhere you want (on UNIX-y systems, /usr/local/bin or the like). Make sure it has execution bits turned on.
RBACQ is build with Cobra so the CLI is build in a familiar way (Cobra is also used in Docker and Kubernetes).
To print a description what RBACQ can do, just execute:
$ ./rbacq
rbacq simplifies querying the Kubernetes RBAC API
rbacq [command]
Available Commands:
get Displays one or many resources
help Help about any command
-a, --all-namespaces Specifies that all Namespaces should be queried (default "false")
-c, --cluster-wide Search cluster-wide (which includes ClusterRoles & ClusterRolebindings)
-k, --kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests (default "$HOME\\.kube\\config")
-n, --namespace string Specifies the Namespace in which to query (default "default")
-s, --system Show also System Objects (default "false")
Use "rbacq [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To further explore the CLI execute the following: (and so on)
$ ./rbacq get
You must specify the type of resource to get. Valid resource types are:
* subjects (aka 'sub')
* rights (aka 'r')
$ ./rbacq get subjects --help
Displays one or many resources
rbacq get [RESOURCE-TYPE] [flags]
-o, --output string Set jsonpath e.g. with -o jsonpath='{.kind}:{.Name}'
Global Flags:
-a, --all-namespaces Specifies that all Namespaces should be queried (default "false")
-c, --cluster-wide Search cluster-wide (which includes ClusterRoles & ClusterRolebindings)
-k, --kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests (default "C:\\Users\\SBUERIN\\.kube\\config")
-n, --namespace string Specifies the Namespace in which to query (default "default")
-s, --system Show also System Objects (default "false")
Subjects used in RoleBindings can be queried with ./rbaq get subjects
. The subjects are queried per default in the default Namespace. The following flags can modify this behaviour:
- -n <namespace>: search in a specific Namespace
- -a: search in all Namespaces
- -c: search cluster-wide, which means that also ClusterRoles & ClusterRoleBindings are queried
- -s: also show System objects
List Subjects in kube-system (including System objects):
$ ./rbacq -n kube-system get subjects -s
Subjects defined in RoleBindings
Namespace: kube-system
Role: system:controller:token-cleaner
secrets: [delete get list watch]
events: [create patch update]
Role: vault:serviceaccount
secrets: [delete create list update]
Role: system:controller:bootstrap-signer
secrets: [get list watch]
List all Subjects matching the RegExp .*kube-system.*
(including System objects):
$ ./rbacq -n kube-system get subjects -s .*kube-system.*
Subjects defined in RoleBindings
Namespace: kube-system
Role: system:controller:token-cleaner
secrets: [delete get list watch]
events: [create patch update]
Role: system:controller:bootstrap-signer
secrets: [get list watch]
Rights used by Roles can be queried with ./rbacq get rights
. The rights are queried per default in the default Namespace. The same flags as with Subjects can modify this behaviour.
Get all Rights from Namespace kube-system (including System):
$ ./rbacq -n kube-system get rights -s
Rights defined in Roles
[create patch update]: [ServiceAccount:kube-system:token-cleaner]
[delete create list update]: [ServiceAccount:infra:i3-vault]
[delete get list watch]: [ServiceAccount:kube-system:token-cleaner]
[get list watch]: [ServiceAccount:kube-system:bootstrap-signer]
Get all Rights from Roles in default Namespaces and ClusterRoles that match namespaces.*get
(including System):
$ ./rbacq get rights -s -c namespaces.*get
Rights defined in ClusterRoles & Roles
namespaces: [delete get list watch]: [ServiceAccount:kube-system:namespace-controller]
namespaces: [get]: [User:system:kube-controller-manager]