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Aïssa Ghouti edited this page Jun 19, 2020 · 16 revisions


Thank you for taking an interest in the Client Registry developed in the context of RHIES project. The documentation you will find in this wiki gathers documentation that summarizes the development and deployment made in for this first beta version of Client Registry. During this RHIES project a first use case of the Client Registry of Rwanda has been developed. Additional developments are required (end-user interface, merging function, matching algorithms improvement, etc) to cover additional use cases.

What is RHIES project?

The purpose of Rwandan Health Information Exchange System (RHIES) project is to develop a system that allows for information- exchange within electronic medical record systems and to develop linkage solutions for generating EMR data directly to HMIS in the specific use case of HIV Case based surveillance (CBS). RHIES is a set of applications that work together in the Open Health Information Exchange (OpenHIE) architecture to serve point-of-service systems, like EMRs, DHIS2, National ID database and laboratory information system. The current version of the RHIES architecture includes:

  • The interoperability layer - Open Health Information Mediator (OpenHIM): The OpenHIM is the entry point for POS systems, and includes authentication, authorization, and auditing of all transactions. This interoperability layer hosts the following mediators developed:
  • Nida_to_OpenMRS mediator
  • LabWAre_to_OpenMRS mediator
  • OpenMRS_to_DHIS2 mediator
  • Client Registry mediator
  • Facility Registry mediator
  • The HIV CBS forms developed in OpenMRS
  • The Client Registry (HAPI FHIR server): The client registry facilitates the exchange of patient information between disparate systems. A client registry holds patient identifiers and includes patient demographic information.
  • The Facility Registry: The facility Registry is a repository that collects and stores a separate list of health facilities with divergent levels of standardization, quality, completeness. The facility Registry has been developed in a MongoDB based and will store the master list of health facilities captured from DHIS2. This master list has been synchronized with the OpenMRS instances.
  • The EMR - OpenMRS
  • The Laboratory Information System of the Rwandan Reference Laboratory - LabWare
  • The National database to identify Rwanda citizen - NIDA

What is the RHIES Client Registry?

The RHIES Client Registry (HAPI FHIR server) is a repository that facilitates the exchanges of patient information between disparate OpenMRS systems. The RHIES client registry holds patient identifiers and includes patient demographic information. Savics has developed the function PUSH which save every patient from OpenMRS to the Client Registry. The Client Registry will be accessible from HAPI FHIR server for now.

What does RHIES Client Registry do?

Client Registries is a repository which will gather all the patients registered and modified in the OpenMRS instances of Rwanda.

Use Cases

At this stage the RHIES Client Registry enables:

  • Patient creation: each new patient create in the remote OpenMRS instances will be automatically pushed and saved in the Client Registry
  • Patient update: each OpenMRS event related to patient information update will trigger the update of that demographic information in the Client Registry. The patient demographic information saved in the Client Registry are the following:
  • Names
  • ID
  • NIDA: national id
  • Prima care OMRS id*: Rwanda OpenMRS id
  • Birthdate
  • Gender
  • Address
  • Country
  • Province
  • District
  • Sector
  • Cell
  • Umudugudu: Rwandan village
  • Name of the mother
  • Name of the father
  • Phone number
  • Civil status
  • Education
  • Main activity
  • Religion

Matching algorithm

  • Matching algorithm “exact” on NIDA number: if the NIDA is available, the algorithm will look at the NIDA for updating patient information
  • Matching algorithm “exact” on Primary Care number: if the NIDA is not available or present, the Primary care will be used to create and/or update the patient

Document version

Last update: 06/06/2020 Version: 1.0