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Saul Pwanson edited this page Jul 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

Frequency Table Reference

the below also applies to the [PivotSheet]


discrete binning

  • rows are placed in buckets based on display value contents
  • types which are discretely binned:
    • any
    • string

numeric binning

  • separate error/null bins

format str binning

  • date

bin display

number of bins


commands tables

  • inline commands.tsv entries

    • global: zF gF F
    • FreqTable
      • ENTER/gENTER
  • selection propagation

  • freeze-sheet with g' to get an plain data sheet with the same data

options table

  • disp_histogram
  • disp_histlen
  • histogram_bins



  • source is the source sheet
  • rowdef: FreqRow(pivot
    • .pivotrows = { aggvalue: list(values) }
  • numeric bin keys
  • nonKeyVisibleCols
  • [PivotTable] Column.aggvalue
  • addAggregateCols
  • groupRows