This project contains supporting materials for the Git & SAS hands-on workshop presented at SESUG 2024 (and originally at PharmaSUG 2022).
To help you to get the most from this workshop, we recommend that you install at least some of the following tools. You probably won't have all of these tools; select the options that are most interesting to you. We'll demonstrate techniques for all of these and you'll be able to follow along and practice with those that you have.
- Git client: Install from This may require administrative privileges on your laptop to install.
- GitHub account: free at
- SAS OnDemand for Academics account (for some exercises)
- SAS Viya for Learners account (optional, for some exercises)
- Optional: SAS Enterprise Guide 8.2, 8.3 or 8.4 with access to a SAS environment (can be local)
- Optional: VS Code -- and optionally with the new SAS language extension
- Optional: GitHub Desktop - Git UI specifically for GitHub projects
- Optional: SAS Studio 3.81 Basic with access to local SAS (requires admin privileges to install/configure)
- SESUG 2024 Presentation slides (PDF)
- PharmaSUG 2022 Presentation slides (PDF)
- Exercise 01: Create your first Git project
- Exercise 02: Connect your SAS to Git (SAS Enterprise Guide)
- Exercise 03: Connect your SAS to Git (SAS Studio)
- Exercise 04: Clone an existing SAS code project
- Exercise 05: Using SAS functions to work with Git
- Exercise 06: Using VS Code to manage SAS projects