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Generates a Makefile and optionally also GitHub workflows and a Dockerfile for your Go application:

  • Makefile follows established Unix conventions for installing and packaging, and includes targets for vendoring, running tests and checking code quality.
  • GitHub Workflows use GitHub Actions to lint, build, and test your code. Additionally, you can enable workflows for checking your codebase for security issues (e.g. CodeQL code scanning), spelling errors, and missing license headers.

This project is based on the idea to have as many options as necessary but as little as possible. Not every part of the program is configurable (see #configuration), some things are hardcoded or implicit (see #implicit-configuration). If more options are required or some assumptions are wrong, please get in touch.


The easiest way to get go-makefile-maker is: go install

We also support the usual Makefile invocations: make, make check, and make install. The latter understands the conventional environment variables for choosing install locations: DESTDIR and PREFIX.

You usually want something like make && sudo make install PREFIX=/usr/local.


Put a Makefile.maker.yaml file in your Git repository's root directory, then run the following to generate Makefile and GitHub workflows:

$ go-makefile-maker

go-makefile-maker also generates a help target for usage info:

$ make help

In addition to the Makefile.maker.yaml, you should also commit the Makefile file so that your users don't need to have go-makefile-maker installed.

Implicit Configuration

Dependency licenses

The check-dependency-licenses make target and the checks github workflow use (go-licence-detector)go-licence-detector to check all dependencies to have compliant licenses. See license-scan-rules.json for an incomplete list of licenses which is based on SPDX licenses and the internal risk analysis. If the automatic license detection is not working, overrides can be specific in the license-scan-overrides.jsonl file.


go-makefile-maker requires a config file (Makefile.maker.yaml) in the YAML format.

Take a look at go-makefile-maker's own config file for an example of what a config could like.

The config file has the following sections:


  - name: example
    fromPackage: ./cmd/example
    installTo: bin/
  - name: test-helper
    fromPackage: ./cmd/test-helper

For each binary specified here, a target will be generated that builds it with go build and puts it in build/$NAME. The fromPackage is a Go module path relative to the directory containing the Makefile.

If installTo is set for at least one binary, the install target is added to the Makefile, and all binaries with installTo are installed by it. In this case, example would be installed as /usr/bin/example by default, and test-helper would not be installed.


  enabled: true
  crdOutputPath: config/crd/bases
  objectHeaderFile: boilerplate.go.txt
  rbacRoleName: manager-role

Customization options for controller-gen.

enabled defaults to the presence of the dependency unless set explicitly.

crdOutputPath allows changing the output:crd:artifacts:config argument given to controller-gen rbac. Defaults to crd.

objectHeaderFile allows changing the headerFile argument given to controller-gen object.

rbacRoleName allows changing the roleName argument given to controller-gen rbac. Defaults to the last element in the go module name.


  only: '/internal'
  except: '/test/util|/test/mock'

When make check runs go test, it produces a test coverage report. By default, all packages inside the repository are subject to coverage testing, but this section can be used to restrict this.

The values in only and except are regexes for grep -E. Since only entire packages (not single source files) can be selected for coverage testing, the regexes have to match package names, not on file names.


  enabled: true
  entrypoint: [ "/bin/bash", "--", "--arg" ]
    - |
      FROM AS toolbox
      RUN toolbox-cmd
    - 'LABEL mylabel=myvalue'
    - 'COPY --from=toolbox /bin/fancytool /usr/bin/fancytool'
    - tmp
    - files
    - curl
    - openssl
  runAsRoot: true
  withLinkerdAwait: true

When enabled, go-makefile-maker will generate a Dockerfile and a .dockerignore file. The Dockerfile uses the Golang base image to run make install, then copies all installed files into a fresh Alpine base image. The image is provisioned with a dedicated user account (name appuser, UID 4200, home directory /home/appuser) and user group (name appgroup, GID 4200) with stable names and IDs. This user account is intended for use with all payloads that do not require a root user.

To ensure that the resulting Docker Image is functional, tests should be run before the image is built and uploaded. As an additional smoke test, the compiled binaries are invoked with the --version argument after being copied to the final image. With go-api-declarations's bininfo.HandleVersionArgument function, this can be implemented in one line. If you are using Cobra or any other library to handle arguments, the bininfo.Version function is recommended instead.

  • entrypoint allows overwriting the final entrypoint.
  • extraBuildStages prepends additional build stages at the top of the Dockerfile. This is useful for bringing in precompiled assets from other images, or if a non-Go compilation step is required.
  • extraDirectives appends additional directives near the end of the Dockerfile.
  • extraIgnores appends entries in .dockerignore to the default ones.
  • extraPackages installs extra Alpine packages in the final Docker layer. ca-certificates is always installed.
  • runAsRoot skips the privilege drop in the Dockerfile, i.e. the USER appuser:appgroup command is not added.
  • withLinkerdAwait whether to download the binary and prepend linkerd-await to the entrypoint. For more details see


  enableVendoring: true
  ldflags: -X "main.goversion={{.Env.GOVERSION}}"
  setGoModVersion: true

Set golang.enableVendoring to true if you vendor all dependencies in your repository. With vendoring enabled:

  1. The default for GO_BUILDFLAGS is set to -mod vendor, so that build targets default to using vendored dependencies. This means that building binaries does not require a network connection.
  2. The make tidy-deps target is replaced by a make vendor target that runs go mod tidy && go mod verify just like make tidy-deps, but also runs go mod vendor. This target can be used to get the vendor directory up-to-date before commits.

If golang.setGoModVersion is set to true then go.mod will be automatically updated to the latest version. The ldflags option can be used to share flags between the Makefile and GoReleaser.


  createConfig: true
    - io/ioutil.ReadFile
    - io.Copy(*bytes.Buffer)
    - io.Copy(os.Stdout)
    - (*net/http.Client).Do
    - easypg/migrate/*

The make check and make static-check targets use golangci-lint to lint your code.

If createConfig is set to true then go-makefile-maker will create a config file (.golangci.yaml) for golangci-lint and keep it up-to-date (in case of new changes). This config file enables extra linters in addition to the default ones and configures various settings that can improve code quality.

Additionally, if createConfig is true, you can specify a list of files skipped entirely by golangci-lint in skipDirs and a list of functions to be excluded from errcheck linter in errcheckExcludes field. Refer to errcheck's README for info on the format for function signatures that errcheck accepts.

Take a look at go-makefile-maker's own golangci-lint config file for an up-to-date example of what the generated config would look like.


  createConfig: true
  binaryName: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}"
  format: .tar.gz
  nameTemplate: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}"

If goReleaser.createConfig is set to true or it is unset but the release GitHub Workflow is enabled, a config file for goreleaser will be generated based on the metadata of the repository. The format option can be used to only upload binaries. It corresponds to the upstream archives[].format option. See for more details. The binaryName option can be used to change the name of the compiled binaries. It corresponds to the upstream builds[].binary option. This is only really useful when format is set to binary. It defaults to name of the first entry in the binaries option. The nameTemplate option can be used to change the name of uploaded release artefacts. It corresponds to the upstream archives[].name_template option. The files option can be used to add extra files. For backwards compatibility it defaults to [, LICENSE, ].


  enabled: false

makefile contains settings related to the higher level Makefile generation.

enabled is an optional setting to disable the Makefile generation completely. If not specified, the setting is treated as being set to true to maintain backwards compatibility with older configs.


  enabled: false

reuse contains settings related to the REUSE config generation.

enabled is an optional setting to disable the REUSE config generation completely. If not specified, the setting is treated as being set to true to maintain backwards compatibility with older configs.



metadata contains information about the project which cannot be guessed consistently:

  • url is the repository's remote URL.


    - mockgen

extraPackages extra packages to add to the generated shell.nix file. This is useful if entries in verbatim require additional tools. See for available packages.


  enabled: true
    - devnull
    - urandom
  goVersion: 1.18
    - matchPackageNames: []
      matchUpdateTypes: []
      matchDepTypes: []
      matchFileNames: []
      extends: []
      allowedVersions: ""
      minimumReleaseAge: ""
      autoMerge: false
      enabled: false
  customManagers: []

Generate RenovateBot config to automatically create pull requests weekly on Fridays with dependency updates.

To assign people to the PRs created by renovate, add their GitHub handle to the assignees list.

Optionally overwrite go version with goVersion, by default the Go version from go.mod file will be used.

Additionally, you can also define packageRules. Note that only the fields mentioned above are accepted when defining a packageRule. The following package rules are defined by default:

  # Group PRs for library dependencies together.
  - matchPackageNames: [ "!/^github\\.com\\/sapcc\\/.*/", "/.*/" ]
    groupName: "External dependencies"
    automerge: false
  - matchPackageNames: [ "/^github\\.com\\/sapcc\\/.*/" ]
    groupName: ""
    automerge: true

  # This package rule will be added if go.mod file has a `*` dependency.
  - matchPackagePrefixes: ["/^\\//"]
    allowedVersions: 0.28.x

  # Restrict updates for versions managed by go-makefile-maker.
  - matchPackageNames: [ golang ]
    allowedVersions: $goVersion.x # only update within the same minor release
  - matchDepTypes: [ action ]
    enabled: false # see githubWorkflow config section below
  - matchDepTypes: [ dockerfile ]
    enabled: false # see docker config section above

You can also define customManagers. An example to detect ENVTEST_K8S_VERSION env variable version and update it in Makefile

  - customType: "regex"
    description: "Bump envtest version in the Makefile"
    fileMatch: [
    matchStrings: [
    datasourceTemplate: "github-tags"
    depNameTemplate: "kubernetes-sigs/controller-tools"
    extractVersionTemplate: "^envtest.v(?<version>.*)$"


    - example
    - exampleTwo

golangci-lint (if golangciLint.createConfig is true) and the spell check GitHub workflow (githubWorkflow.spellCheck) use misspell to check for spelling errors.

If spellCheck.ignoreWords is defined then both golangci-lint and spell check workflow will give this word list to misspell so that they can be ignored during its checks.


  only: '/internal'
  except: '/test/util|/test/mock'

By default, all packages inside the repository are subject to testing, but this section can be used to restrict this.

The values in only and except are regexes for grep -E. Since only entire packages (not single source files) can be selected for testing, the regexes have to match package names, not on file names.


  GO_BUILDFLAGS: '-mod vendor'

Allows to override the default values of Makefile variables used by the autogenerated recipes. This mechanism cannot be used to define new variables to use in your own rules; use verbatim for that. By default, all accepted variables are empty. The only exception is that GO_BUILDFLAGS defaults to -mod vendor when vendoring is enabled (see below).

A typical usage of GO_LDFLAGS is to give compile-time values to the Go compiler with the -X linker flag:

  GO_LDFLAGS: '-X = $(shell git describe --abbrev=7)'

However, for this specific usecase, we suggest that your application use instead. When the respective module is present as a direct dependency in the go.mod file, go-makefile-maker will auto-generate suitable linker flags to fill the global variables in the bininfo package.

GO_TESTENV can contain environment variables to pass to go test:


GO_BUILDENV can contain environment variables to pass to go build:



verbatim: |
  run-example: build/example
    ./build/example example-config.txt

This field can be used to add your own definitions and rules to the Makefile. The text in this field is copied into the Makefile mostly verbatim, with one exception: Since YAML does not like tabs for indentation, we allow rule recipes to be indented with spaces. This indentation will be replaced with tabs before writing it into the actual Makefile.


The githubWorkflow section holds configuration options that define the behavior of various GitHub workflows.

Hint: You can prevent the workflows from running by including [ci skip] in your commit message (more info).

This section defines global settings that apply to all workflows. If the same setting is supported by a specific workflow and is defined then that will take override its global value.

  defaultBranch: dev
  goVersion: 1.18

defaultBranch specifies the Git branch on which push actions will trigger the workflows. This does not affect pull requests, they will automatically trigger all workflows regardless of which branch they are working against. go-makefile-maker will automatically run git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD | sed 's@^refs/remotes/origin/@@' and use its value by default.

goVersion specifies the Go version that is used for jobs that require Go. go-makefile-maker will automatically retrieve the Go version from go.mod file and use that by default.

This workflow:

  • checks your code using golangci-lint
  • ensures that your code compiles successfully
  • runs tests and generates test coverage report
  • uploads the test coverage report to Coveralls
  enabled: true
    - macos-latest
    - ubuntu-latest
    - windows-latest
  coveralls: true
  prepareMakeTarget: generate
  ignorePaths: []

runOn specifies a list of machine(s) to run the build and test jobs on (more info). You can use this to ensure that your build compilation and tests are successful on multiple operating systems. Default value for this is ubuntu-latest.

If coveralls is true then your test coverage report will be uploaded to Coveralls. Make sure that you have enabled Coveralls for your GitHub repo beforehand.

ignorePaths specifies a list of filename patterns. Workflows will not trigger if a path name matches a pattern in this list. More info and filter pattern cheat sheet. This option is not defined by default.

prepareMakeTarget specifies an additional make target to run before running any ci checks. This is useful when you need to run some additional commands before being able to run go build or golangci-lint. For example when you are using mockgen or go-bindata through verbatim, you want to run the extra verbatim target through this option.

If your application depends on, the latest PostgreSQL server binaries will be available in the container when tests are executed. This is intended for use with, which can launch a PostgreSQL server during func TestMain; see documentation in package easypg for details.


If enabled is set to true, the generated Dockerfile is built for the platforms linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 and pushed to the repository path under

  enabled: true
  platforms: "linux/amd64,linux/arm64"
    - edge
    - latest
    - semver
    - sha

platforms configures for which platforms the multi-arch docker image is built. Defaults to linux/amd64. Note: emulation is provided by qemu and might take significant time. tagStrategy influences which container tags will be pushed. Currently edge, latest, semver and sha are supported.


If release is enabled a workflow is generated which creates a new GitHub release using goreleaser when a git tag is pushed.

goReleaser.enabled will be enabled automatically when the option isn't set yet.


If securityChecks is enabled then it will generate the following workflows:

  • CodeQL workflow will run CodeQL, GitHub's industry-leading semantic code analysis engine, on your source code to find security vulnerabilities. You can see the security report generated by CodeQL under your repo's Security tab.

    In addition to running the workflow when new code is pushed, this workflow will also run on a weekly basis (every Monday at 07:00 AM) so that existing code can be checked for new vulnerabilities.

  • dependency-review workflow will scan your pull requests for dependency changes and will raise an error if any new dependencies have existing vulnerabilities. It uses the GitHub Advisory Database as a source.

  • govulncheck workflow will scan your dependencies for vulnerabilities and will raise an error if any dependency has an existing vulnerability and the code path is in use. It uses the Go Vulnerability Database as a source.

  enabled: true


This workflow uses addlicense to ensure that all your Go source code files have a license header. If vendoring is enabled, the vendor/ directory is always entirely ignored by this workflow.

  enabled: true
    - "vendor/**"

ignorePatterns specifies a list of file patterns to check. You can use any pattern supported by doublestar. See addlicense's README for more info.

Hint: You can also use addlicense to add license headers to all unignored Go files by running make license-headers.


Makes a Makefile for a Go application







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