msp430FR2355 interfaced with IMU (LSM6DSM) on SPI
SPI mode 3 as only one spi device is connected Big Endian Data selection
bit 0: WRITE bit. The value is 0.
bit 1 -7: address AD(6:0). This is the address field of the indexed register.
bit 8-15: data DI(7:0) (write mode). This is the data that is written inside the device (MSb first).
bit 16-... : data DI(...-8). Further data in multiple byte writes.
CTRL3_C (12h)
CTRL1_XL (10h) ;Linear acceleration sensor control register
CTRL2_G (11h) ;Angular rate sensor control register
Configuration sent to IMU over SPI TX
Read P4.1 for Button press if button pressed then the line gets short and no signal at microcontroller input.
Once the button is pressed, then the data is collected from gyro and acc. by sending the read command of SPI:
bit 0: READ bit. The value is 1.
bit 1-7: address AD(6:0). This is the address field of the indexed register.
bit 8-15: data DO(7:0) (read mode). This is the data that will be read from the device (MSb first).
Read the data of specific sensor(Acc/gyro)
OUTX_L_G (22h) & OUTX_H_G (23h) Angular rate sensor pitch axis (X) angular rate output register (r) -CR CTRL2_G (11h))
OUTY_L_G (24h) & OUTY_H_G (25h) Angular rate sensor roll axis (Y) angular rate output register (r) -CR CTRL2_G (11h))
OUTZ_L_G (26h) & OUTZ_H_G (27h) Angular rate sensor yaw axis (Z) angular rate output register (r) -CR CTRL2_G (11h))
OUTX_L_XL (28h) & OUTX_H_XL (29h) Linear acceleration sensor X-axis output register (r)
OUTY_L_XL (2Ah) & OUTY_H_XL (2Bh) Linear acceleration sensor Y-axis output register (r)
OUTZ_L_XL (2Ch) & OUTZ_H_XL (2Dh) Linear acceleration sensor Z-axis output register (r)
Then the SPI interrupt is on and the IMU will send the data to microcontroller. So it's SPI Tx Then store the data of sensors from Tx buffer to variable.
The while loop is in main loop that check the status of P4.1 pin
-flag=0 and button is pressed
The SPI interrupts are enabled
-flag=1 and button is pressed for 500ms. the delay is given and rechecking of pin is done to ensure button is pressed for 500 ms if less than 500ms the IMU will be ON state if around 500ms the SPI interrupt is disabled.
Assume IMU is Disabled/OFF state