General repository for instructions and scripts related to the DSI-24 system and streaming through LSL.
- Download the latest version at
- Run
sudo dpkg -i {filename}.deb
in your Download folder
git clone
cd dsi24-tools
pip install -e .
- Clone this repository and change directory into it
- Execute the setup bash script, which downloads all dependencies and compiles the DSI API
- After running the setup script, the DSI Python API can be installed via pip
- Run
sudo python scripts/
- If you are not not using the default COM port (
) you can specify the target port through the command line assudo python scripts/ /path/to/port
- If you encounter any errors, make sure
sudo python
refers to the correct python executable. You can check by comparing the outputs ofwhich python
andsudo which python
, which should be the same. Ifsudo python
selects the wrong executable, you can specify the full path to the correct executable you obtained fromwhich python
and runsudo /path/to/python ...
- Turn on the headset (two short presses on the "Power button")
- If not already installed, get these packages :
sudo apt-get install bluez bluez-tools
- Obtain the device adress :
hcitool scan
- Bind the device :
rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm0 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 1
- Run
./ --port=/dev/rfcomm0 --lsl-stream-name=DSI_stream
- You are now all set to receive data from the headset through an LSL stream
- To have a look the raw signal and power spectrum run
python scripts/