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Technologies and dependencies

Environment Setup

  • Make sure you have nodejs v14.17.5 and above installed. You can install nodejs from here if you don't have it.

  • To check node version

    node --version
  • Clone the respository to your local machine using the command.

    git clone
  • Navigate to the project folder.

    cd kanban-api
  • You can open the project with your code editor (VScode recommended)

Start the server

  • Install the package dependencies by running the following command in the terminal npm install

  • Create a .env in the project folder, get example variables from the .env.example file sample and ensure to add the values correctly(e.g MONGODB_URI)

  • To start the server locally, run the command npm run dev

Formatting for the project

  • We're using eslint for js linting, and prettier for code formatting.

  • Please make it a point to install eslint and prettier plugins on vscode to aid in your coding process.

  • Run the command to fix all auto-fixable formatting errors in the whole project based on eslint rules.

    npm run lint
  • Run the command to check and fix file formatting with prettier

    npm run format
  • Also linting has been set up for staged commits in the project.

Deployment on Render

  • Application is on auto deploy from Github to Render.