This release will change the underlying recommended library to https://www.nuget.org/packages/bblanchon.PDFium.Win32 as it is the only runtime up to date.
This was brought into my attention as multiple security issues are present in older builds (like https://www.nuget.org/packages/PdfiumViewer.Native.x86_64.v8-xfa/)
Changed the library loader so now it works cross-platform. However, the rendering and printing part still rely on System.Drawing.Common which works only on windows: See here
Had to update some native bindings which were updated in the pdfium (e.g. FPDFDest_GetPageIndex => FPDFDest_GetDestPageIndex) + removed some older bindings which were not used anymore.
Because of the security issues, I also disabled the old loading part (e.g. FPDF_AddRef) => as I don't want to encourage any user to use vulnerable dependencies.