is extension to justpy -- a webdevelopment framework in python (for more details see ). Ofjustpy provides opinionated components which can be chained via functional paradigm. Additionally, it provides
- hooks that track all the created components
- organize components in a hierarchical context
- use svelte as the underlying frontend javascript engine
- several higher order components build using ofjustpy framework, tailwind and svelte.
- Tailwind tags are first class python expressions, instead of a long string.
import ofjustpy as oj
import justpy as jp
from tailwind_tags import *
def wp_hello_world(request):
session_id = request.session_id
session_manager = oj.get_session_manager(session_id)
stubStore = session_manager.stubStore
with oj.sessionctx(session_manager):
with session_manager.uictx("header") as headerCtx:
title_ = oj.Title_("title", "A hello world page", pcp=[bg/pink/"100/20"])
with session_manager.uictx("body") as bodyCtx:
body_ = oj.Halign_(
oj.Prose_("greeting", "Hello world! This page was written using ofjustpy python framework ", pcp=[fz.lg, bsw._, sw/gray/400,]), pcp=[mr/st/8]
with session_manager.uictx("footer") as bodyCtx:
footer_ = oj.Halign_(
oj.Prose_("depart", "Thats all folks! Hope you got the broad drift of this framework", pcp=[mr/st/64, ta.right]), "end"
cgens = [title_,
pcp=[H/"screen", bg/gray/"100/20"])
wp = oj.WebPage_("wp_hello_world",
cgens= [stubStore.tlc],
title="a svelte page")()
return wp
app =
jp.justpy(wp_hello_world, start_server=False)
The webpage will be rendered as:
The key takeaway is that the webpage is build bottom up. First, the most atomic components are declared. Then higher order components are declared that contain previously declared component. The components are weaved together at the last step when the webpage instance is requested.
See here(todo) for a more comprehensive demo that showcases all the basic (or html components) and higher order components built using tailwind and svelte.
- Checkout
to see the list all htmlcomponent supported
- checkout justpy ( and ofjustpy-react on handling frontend events
- checkout ofjustpy-extn for more advanced components (such as json navigator) build using ofjustpy
Finally, if you are looking for a more detailed/comprehensive guide/tutorial, raise an issue and we can discuss there.
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