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Homebridge plugin for Apple AirPort base stations. Currently only supports monitoring Wi-Fi clients.

# From
npm install --global homebridge-airport

# From
npm install --global --registry @samuelthomas2774/homebridge-airport
    "platform": "airport.AirPort",
    "devices": {
        "AirPort Extreme": {
            "host": "airport-extreme.local",
            "password": "password"
    "accessories": [
            "type": "connected-clients",
            "name": "Wi-Fi Network In Use",
            "stations": "all",
            "exclude-clients": [


  • Use a monitoring session instead of polling connected clients
  • HomeKit Accessory Security


AirPort base station connections

The devices object maps names of AirPort base stations to their host/IP address and admin password.

    "AirPort Extreme": {
        "host": "airport-extreme.local",
        "password": "password"

You can also add the port number if it's different for any reason (e.g. when using port forwarding to access remote base stations), and disable the default base station accessory.

    "AirPort Extreme": {
        "host": "airport-extreme.local",
        "password": "password",
        "port": 5009,
        "accessory": false


The accessories array contains a list of accessories to publish in Homebridge, with a type property and type-specific configuration.

AirPort base station

Accessories for each AirPort base station are automatically added (unless they are explicitly configured or the default base station accessory is disabled).

type must be "base-station" and id is the key for the base station in the devices object.

    "type": "base-station",
    "id": "AirPort Extreme"

To add an occupancy sensor that detects Wi-Fi clients, set the connected-clients property.

    "type": "base-station",
    "id": "AirPort Extreme",
    "connected-clients": [
            "stations": [
            "clients": [...],
            "exclude-clients": [...]

Occupancy sensor

Adds an occupancy sensor that detects Wi-Fi clients.

    "type": "connected-clients",
    "name": "Wi-Fi Network In Use",
    "stations": [
        ["AirPort Extreme", "main"]
    "exclude-clients": [

You can also whitelist clients to detect instead of excluding known clients.

    "type": "connected-clients",
    "name": "Wi-Fi Network In Use",
    "stations": [
        ["AirPort Extreme", "main"]
    "clients": [