This is an on-going research project for CSCI651 @ USC Viterbi, by Qishen Sam Liang.
Mentor: Prof. John Heidemann.
The NS3 for the simulation to run. To run it, first install NS3 via the official instruction.
Copy the file to scratch in the folder and call ./ns3 run scratch/
The Python parser and ploter that takes the input of *.pcap and * and file plot the data packet SEQ, coresponding ACK, and the router buffer queue length (in packet).
The Python parser that do conditional and unconditional loss probability calculations. Input: *.pcap and *
Data naming follows the following form
The congestion control algorithm at the router
DT - Drop-tail RED - Random Early Detection CD - CoDel
The bottleneck bandwidth
example: 1Mb
The maximum or total buffer size (in packets)
example: 9p
-cwn congestion window
-buf buffer length (in packets)
-drp packet dropped by router (SEQ)
.tr traces
.pcap packet capture