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Active Objects for Modern C++

Active Objects for Modern C++

ActorThread: Active object pattern in C++

Implementation of the Active Object pattern wrapping a standard C++ thread.


  • Whole implementation contained in a single header file!
  • Inherit from a template and you are done. See the tiny example bellow.

Main features

  • Exchange messages of any type (does not requires them to derive from a common base class)
  • Messages are asynchronously delivered in the same order they were sent
  • Allows to invoke callbacks on clients of unknown type (useful for libraries)
  • Callbacks on the active object auto-store themselves with no boilerplate code
  • Timers ability with client-driven handlers (no need for handler↔object resolving maps)


  • Internal lock-free MPSC messages queue
  • Extensive internal use of move semantics supporting delivery of non-copiable objects
  • Several million msg/sec between each two threads (both Linux and Windows) in ordinary hardware


  • The wrapped thread lifecycle overlaps and is driven by the object existence
  • The object is kept alive by smart pointers (whoever has a reference can safely send messages)
  • No internal strong references (only the final users determine the destruction/end)
  • Nonetheless, callbacks onto already deleted active objects do not crash the application

Minimum compiler required (C++17 and newer)

  • Mininum gcc version supported is 8.
  • Works with clang 5 and Visual Studio 2017.
  • Clean, standard C++17 (no conditional code, same implementation for all platforms)


#include <samiralavi/activecpp.h>

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

using namespace samiralavi;

struct Message { std::string description; };
struct OtherMessage { double beautifulness; };

class Consumer : public ActorThread<Consumer>
    friend ActorThread<Consumer>;
    void onMessage(Message& p)
        std::cout << "thread " << std::this_thread::get_id()
                  << " receiving " << p.description << std::endl;
    void onMessage(OtherMessage& p)
        std::cout << "thread " << std::this_thread::get_id()
                  << " receiving " << p.beautifulness << std::endl;

class Producer : public ActorThread<Producer>
    friend ActorThread<Producer>;
    std::shared_ptr<Consumer> consumer;
    void onMessage(std::shared_ptr<Consumer>& c)
        consumer = c;
        timerStart(true, std::chrono::milliseconds(250), TimerCycle::Periodic);
        timerStart(3.14, std::chrono::milliseconds(333), TimerCycle::Periodic);
    void onTimer(const bool&)
        std::ostringstream report;
        report << "test from thread " << std::this_thread::get_id();
        consumer->send(Message { report.str() });
    void onTimer(const double& value)
        consumer->send(OtherMessage { value });

class Application : public ActorThread<Application>
    friend ActorThread<Application>;
    void onStart()
        auto consumer = Consumer::create(); // spawn new threads
        auto producer = Producer::create();

int main()
    return Application::run(); // re-use existing thread

Despite received by reference, a copy of the original object is delivered to the destination thread. Alternatively, the carried object can be moved, which is the way to transfer non-copiable objects like a unique_ptr. Copying is highly efficient with pointers, but note that several threads must not concurrently access a unsafe pointed object.

See the examples folder for more elaborated examples, including a library and its client using the callbacks mechanism.