Releases: samapriya/awesome-gee-community-datasets
Community Catalog
The awesome-gee-community-catalog consists of community-sourced geospatial datasets made available for use by the larger Google Earth Engine community and shared publicly as Earth Engine assets. The project was started with the idea that a lot of research datasets are often unavailable for direct use and require preprocessing before use. This catalog lives and serves alongside the Google Earth Engine data catalog and also houses datasets often requested by the community under a variety of open licenses.
Go to the catalog to explore more:
You can read about the history and how this project started in the Medium Post article here
Release frequency will be monthly for now
Updated 2025-01-28
- Release 3.2.0 for the Awesome GEE Community Catalog
- Added UT-GLOBUS GLObal Building heights for Urban Studies (UT-GLOBUS)
- Added ESA CCI Global Forest Above Ground Biomass Change Layers v5.01
- Added Global Annual Simulated NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Dataset (1992-2023)
- Updated ESA CCI Global Forest Above Ground Biomass v5.01
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-10-27
- Added all Annual NLCD Dataset Layers
- Added Global Dam Tracker (GDAT) Database
- Added Global Dam Watch v1.0.
- Added Global Natural and Planted Forests
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Community Catalog
The awesome-gee-community-catalog consists of community-sourced geospatial datasets made available for use by the larger Google Earth Engine community and shared publicly as Earth Engine assets. The project was started with the idea that a lot of research datasets are often unavailable for direct use and require preprocessing before use. This catalog lives and serves alongside the Google Earth Engine data catalog and also houses datasets often requested by the community under a variety of open licenses.
Go to the catalog to explore more:
You can read about the history and how this project started in the Medium Post article here
Release frequency will be monthly for now
Updated 2024-10-27
- Added all Annual NLCD Dataset Layers
- Added Global Dam Tracker (GDAT) Database
- Added Global Dam Watch v1.0.
- Added Global Natural and Planted Forests
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-10-22
- Updated gNATSGO (gridded National Soil Survey Geographic Database) and made generally available
- Added Amazonian Peatland Extent
- Added Gridded Livestock Density Kazakhstan (2000-2019)
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-10-16
- Added Global Land Cover Estimation (GLanCE)
- Added Canada Long Term Tree Species (1984-2022)
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Community Catalog
The awesome-gee-community-catalog consists of community-sourced geospatial datasets made available for use by the larger Google Earth Engine community and shared publicly as Earth Engine assets. The project was started with the idea that a lot of research datasets are often unavailable for direct use and require preprocessing before use. This catalog lives and serves alongside the Google Earth Engine data catalog and also houses datasets often requested by the community under a variety of open licenses.
Go to the catalog to explore more:
You can read about the history and how this project started in the Medium Post article here
Release frequency will be monthly for now
Updated 2024-10-03
- Release 3.0.0 for the Awesome GEE Community Catalog
- Added Large Language Model (Gemini) enabled search for the Community Catalog
- Added QDANN 30m Yield Map
- Added Congo Basin Forest Roads
- Updated Digital Earth Australia Shorelines dataset to include 2023 shorelines
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Community Catalog
The awesome-gee-community-catalog consists of community-sourced geospatial datasets made available for use by the larger Google Earth Engine community and shared publicly as Earth Engine assets. The project was started with the idea that a lot of research datasets are often unavailable for direct use and require preprocessing before use. This catalog lives and serves alongside the Google Earth Engine data catalog and also houses datasets often requested by the community under a variety of open licenses.
Go to the catalog to explore more:
You can read about the history and how this project started in the Medium Post article here
Release frequency will be monthly for now
Updated 2024-09-08
- Added POPCORN Scalable Population Mapping with Sentinel-1 & Sentinel-2
- Added Carbon Security Index
- Added Carbon Offset Project Boundaries
- Added Global Peatland Database
- Added Global Peatland Fractional Coverage
- Updated Urban Heat Island Intensity (UHII) to add metadata properties and additional images
- Updated Global Mangrove Watch added Global Mangrove Watch: Annual Mangrove Extent 4.0.19
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-08-30
- Added Urban Heat Island Intensity (UHII)
- Added High Res Extended Spring Indices database
- Added Global Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs)
- Added Canada 2023 Wildfires
- Added new dataset for Insiders Program National Structures Inventory
- Updated Canadian Satellite-Based Forest Inventory (SBFI)
- Updated High-resolution annual forest land cover maps for Canada's forested ecosystems (1984-2022) to include 2019-2022 datasets
- Updated dataset for insiders program gNATSGO (gridded National Soil Survey Geographic Database)
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Community Catalog
The awesome-gee-community-catalog consists of community-sourced geospatial datasets made available for use by the larger Google Earth Engine community and shared publicly as Earth Engine assets. The project was started with the idea that a lot of research datasets are often unavailable for direct use and require preprocessing before use. This catalog lives and serves alongside the Google Earth Engine data catalog and also houses datasets often requested by the community under a variety of open licenses.
Go to the catalog to explore more:
You can read about the history and how this project started in the Medium Post article here
Release frequency will be monthly for now
Updated 2024-08-01
- Added Global Mangrove Canopy Height Maps Derived from TanDEM-X
- Added Cyanobacteria Aggregated Manual Labels (CAML)
- Added Global 30 m Wetland Map with a Fine Classification System
- Added new dataset for insiders program gNATSGO (gridded National Soil Survey Geographic Database)
- Added new dataset for insiders program Overture Foundation Building Footprints)
- Updated USGS Global Earthquake dataset
- Updated Global fixed broadband and mobile (cellular) network performance
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-07-03
- Added Ookla 5G Maps
- Added M-Lab Network Speed Data Extracts
- Updated Global fixed broadband and mobile (cellular) network performance
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-06-21
- Added Rural Access Index (RAI)
- Added GAN based Synthetic VIIRS (NTL) India
- Added Global Monthly Satellite-derived PM2.5
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Community Catalog
The awesome-gee-community-catalog consists of community-sourced geospatial datasets made available for use by the larger Google Earth Engine community and shared publicly as Earth Engine assets. The project was started with the idea that a lot of research datasets are often unavailable for direct use and require preprocessing before use. This catalog lives and serves alongside the Google Earth Engine data catalog and also houses datasets often requested by the community under a variety of open licenses.
Go to the catalog to explore more:
You can read about the history and how this project started in the Medium Post article here
Release frequency will be monthly for now
Updated 2024-06-13
- Added Global High Air Pollutants(GHAP) PM2.5 Concentrations (2017-2022)
- Added Surface Area of Rivers and Lakes (SARL)
- Added TransitionZero Solar Asset Mapper
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-06-07
- Updated ESRI 10m Annual Land Use Land Cover (2017-2022) now includes 2023
- Updated Global Forest Carbon Fluxes (2001-2021) now includes 2023
- Updated USDA Crop Sequence Boundaries 2015-2022 now includes 2016-2023
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-05-23
- Added Field Boundaries of Agriculture(FIBOA) UK Fields
- Added Global Oil Palm Dataset 1990-2021
- Added Vegetation Drought Response Index
- Added ERA5-HEAT Dataset
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Community Catalog
The awesome-gee-community-catalog consists of community-sourced geospatial datasets made available for use by the larger Google Earth Engine community and shared publicly as Earth Engine assets. The project was started with the idea that a lot of research datasets are often unavailable for direct use and require preprocessing before use. This catalog lives and serves alongside the Google Earth Engine data catalog and also houses datasets often requested by the community under a variety of open licenses.
Go to the catalog to explore more:
You can read about the history and how this project started in the Medium Post article here
Release frequency will be monthly for now
Updated 2024-04-30
- Added DeltaDTM Global coastal digital terrain model
- Added Global Glacier Elevation change products
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-04-22
- Added High Resolution 1m Global Canopy Height Maps
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-04-18
- Added SWOT River Database (SWORD)
- Added Global River Obstruction Database (GROD)
- Added United States Groundwater Well Database (USGWD)
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-04-02
- Released 2.5.0 for awesome gee community catalog & stats
- Added Canada National Burned Area Composite (NBAC)
- Added ESA Fire Disturbance Climate Change Initiative (CCI)
- Added National-Scale Soil Erosion Dataset for Pakistan (2005 and 2015)
- Updated Global fixed broadband and mobile (cellular) network performance
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Community Catalog
The awesome-gee-community-catalog consists of community-sourced geospatial datasets made available for use by the larger Google Earth Engine community and shared publicly as Earth Engine assets. The project was started with the idea that a lot of research datasets are often unavailable for direct use and require preprocessing before use. This catalog lives and serves alongside the Google Earth Engine data catalog and also houses datasets often requested by the community under a variety of open licenses.
Go to the catalog to explore more:
You can read about the history and how this project started in the Medium Post article here
Release frequency will be monthly for now
Updated 2024-04-02
- Released 2.5.0 for awesome gee community catalog & stats
- Added Canada National Burned Area Composite (NBAC)
- Added ESA Fire Disturbance Climate Change Initiative (CCI)
- Added National-Scale Soil Erosion Dataset for Pakistan (2005 and 2015)
- Updated Global fixed broadband and mobile (cellular) network performance
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-03-07
- Released 2.4.0 for awesome gee community catalog & stats
- Added GLOBGM v1.0 global-scale groundwater model
- Added Temporal trends of Surface water across Indian Rivers & Basins
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Community Catalog
The awesome-gee-community-catalog consists of community-sourced geospatial datasets made available for use by the larger Google Earth Engine community and shared publicly as Earth Engine assets. The project was started with the idea that a lot of research datasets are often unavailable for direct use and require preprocessing before use. This catalog lives and serves alongside the Google Earth Engine data catalog and also houses datasets often requested by the community under a variety of open licenses.
Go to the catalog to explore more:
You can read about the history and how this project started in the Medium Post article here
Release frequency will be monthly for now
Updated 2024-04-02
- Released 2.5.0 for awesome gee community catalog & stats
- Added Canada National Burned Area Composite (NBAC)
- Added ESA Fire Disturbance Climate Change Initiative (CCI)
- Added National-Scale Soil Erosion Dataset for Pakistan (2005 and 2015)
- Updated Global fixed broadband and mobile (cellular) network performance
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-03-07
- Released 2.4.0 for awesome gee community catalog & stats
- Added GLOBGM v1.0 global-scale groundwater model
- Added Temporal trends of Surface water across Indian Rivers & Basins
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Community Catalog
The awesome-gee-community-catalog consists of community-sourced geospatial datasets made available for use by the larger Google Earth Engine community and shared publicly as Earth Engine assets. The project was started with the idea that a lot of research datasets are often unavailable for direct use and require preprocessing before use. This catalog lives and serves alongside the Google Earth Engine data catalog and also houses datasets often requested by the community under a variety of open licenses.
Go to the catalog to explore more:
You can read about the history and how this project started in the Medium Post article here
Release frequency will be monthly for now
Updated 2024-02-09
- Released 2.3.0 for awesome gee community catalog & stats
- Added Global Seamless High-resolution Temperature Dataset (GSHTD)
- Added GLANCE Global Landcover Training dataset
- Added High resolution map of African tree cover
- Updated Global annual Burned Area Maps to include 2020 and 2021
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-01-18
- Added Climate Trace Global Emissions Data
- Added Randolph Glacier Inventory
- Added Emergency Observation Data for the 2024 Sea of Japan Earthquake
- Added Umbra SAR Open Data: Sea of Japan Earthquake Jan 2024
- Updated Landfire Mosaics LF v2.3.0
- Updated Nodes and ways datasets from Global Health sites Mapping Projects
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2024-01-04
- Added Sensor-Independent MODIS & VIIRS LAI/FPAR CDR 2000 to 2022
- Updated Weekly updates to USDM drought monitor
Updated 2023-11-30
- Added Global Google-Microsoft Open Buildings Dataset
- Updated USGS Historical Topo Maps
- Released 2.2.0 for awesome gee community catalog & catalog stats