This is a simple implementation of an ANT+ profile for a virtual power meter. It only broadcasts instant power and cadence, with no torque or pedal measurements.
Augmented & extended document written by AndreasO1
##HARDWARE INSTALLATION <instructions eta July 2018>
- Plug in your Ant+ usb devices: one into your Raspberry Pi and one your computer running Zwift.
- Do everything as root! Otherwise, at your own risk of headache and horror.
sudo su -
cd /home/pi
From your home directory, type the following:
apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install npm git build-essential libudev-dev -y
npm install -g n
npm install -g jspm
n 6.0.0
npm install -g [email protected]
npm install -g typings typescript
git clone --recursive
git clone --recursive
cp ZwiftVirtualPower/SpeedMeter.js ant-cycling-power/
cp ZwiftVirtualPower/Zwifter.js ant-cycling-power/
- cd into folder ant-cycling-power
npm install
cd node_modules/ant-plus
npm install
cd ../..
jspm install npm:ant-plus
Accept all of the defaults by pressing enter at each prompt.
cp -r jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/build node_modules/ant-plus/
- Edit the following files:
nano Test.js
a. zwiftUsername = ""
b. zwiftPassword = ""
c. zwiftID = ""
1) You can locate your six digit zwift id number by browsing your Documents folder. i.e. C:\Users<your user name>\Documents\Zwift\cp
2) In here, a folder exists for each user that has logged into zwift. Find yours, and note the six digit number.
3) Edit the pin numbers for the physical connections you made.
nano Zwifter.js
a. username = ""
b. password = ""
c. riderID = ""
1) Same as the zwiftID above.
7) Type exit to return to the pi user.
8) cd ant-cycling-power
9) Finally, run it!!
sudo node test.js
- You should see:
pi@raspberrypi:~/ant-cycling-power $ sudo node test.js
startingLevel = 8
startingLevel = 8
maxLevel = 20
easyMode = false
autoMode = true
Max channels: 8
cycling power meter initialized
- To quit:
a. Press ctrl-q
b. You should see:
Closing stick now...