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ArduinoSerialMP3Player User Guide

salvadorrueda edited this page Jul 21, 2017 · 2 revisions

ArduinoSerialMP3Player User Guide

There are a lot of serial commands for the YX5300 chip so in this page, I'm trying to explain the most common actions with the ArduinoSerialMP3Player and it's behavior.

Feel free to ask what how to implement whatever you are planning to do with this chip and this code.

p = Play

P = Pause

> = Next

< = Previous

s = Stop Play

+ = Volume UP

- = Volume DOWN

c = Query current file

q = Query status

v = Query volume

x = Query folder count

t = Query total file count

f1 = Play folder 1. Try other numbers.

S = Sleep

W = Wake up

r = Reset

p = Play

Starts playing the first file in the first folder.

If you sent 'p' again it will play the second file and so on all the files in all folders.

If you sent 'P' it will pause and you can resume with 'p' again.

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