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grpc_health_proxy is a webserver proxy for gRPC Health Checking Protocol.

This utility starts up an HTTP/S server which responds back after making an RPC call to an upstream server's gRPC healthcheck endpoint (/

If the healthcheck passes, response back to the original http client will be 200. If the gRPC HealthCheck failed, a 503 is returned. If the service is not registered, a 404 is returned

Basically, this is an http proxy for the grpc healthcheck protocol.

client--->TLS-->grpc_heatlh_proxy *gRPC HealthCheck*-->TLS-->gRPC Server

This utility uses similar flags, cancellation and timing snippets for the grpc call from grpc-health-probe. Use that tool as a specific Liveness and Readiness Probes for Kubernetes. This utility can be used in the same cli mode but also as a generic HTTP interface (eg, as httpHealthCheck probe). For more information on the CLI mode without http listener, see the section at the end.

This is not an official Google project and is unsupported by Google


You can either build from source or with bazel

go build -o grpc_health_proxy main.go

or use one of the binaries in Releases section or the docker image


The following in the example/ folder checks the status of an upstream gRPC serviceName echo.EchoService listening on :50051:

client->http->grpc_health_proxy->gRPC Server

  • Run gRPC Server
go run src/grpc_server.go \
    --grpcport \
  • Run Proxy
grpc_health_proxy \
    --http-listen-addr localhost:8080 \
    --http-listen-path=/healthz \
    --grpcaddr localhost:50051 \
    --service-name echo.EchoServer \
    --logtostderr=1 -v 10

I0329 21:05:37.969302 1128850 main.go:229] Running HealthCheck for service:  echo.EchoServer
I0329 21:05:37.970145 1128850 main.go:253] time elapsed: connect=763.1µs rpc=848.974µs
I0329 21:05:37.970289 1128850 main.go:291] echo.EchoServer SERVING
  • Invoke http proxy
$ curl -s --resolve '' \

echo.EchoServer SERVING

# or as query parameter
$ curl -s \
   --resolve ''  \


Run this application stand alone or within a Docker image with TLS certificates mounted appropriately.

as docker

The Dockerfile and Bazel build directives are provided here for you to build your own image.

from source

To compile the proxy directly, run

go build -o grpc_health_proxy main.go

from binary

Download a binary from the Release page.

The proxy version also correspond to docker image version tags (eg

Required Options

Option Description
-http-listen-addr host:port for the http(s) listener
-grpcaddr upstream gRPC host:port the proxy will connect to
-service-name gRPC service name to check

gRPC Health Checking Protocol

gRPC server must implement the gRPC Health Checking Protocol v1. This means you must to register the Health service and implement the rpc Check that returns a SERVING status.

The sample gRPC server provided below for golang implements it at:

func (s *Server) Check(ctx context.Context, in *healthpb.HealthCheckRequest) (*healthpb.HealthCheckResponse, error)

Health Checking TLS Servers

TLS options for the connection from grpc_health_proxy to the upstream gRPC server

Option Description
-grpctls use TLS to access gRPC Server (default: false)
-grpc-ca-cert path to file containing CA certificates (to override system root CAs)
-grpc-client-cert client certificate for authenticating to the server
-grpc-client-key private key for for authenticating to the server
-grpc-tls-no-verify use TLS, but do not verify the certificate presented by the server (INSECURE) (default: false)
-grpc-sni-server-name override the hostname used to verify the server certificate

HTTP(s) Proxy

TLS options for the connection from an http client to grpc_health_proxy.

Configuration options for HTTTP(s) listener supports TLS and mTLS

Option Description
-http-listen-addr host:port for the http(s) listener
-http-listen-path path for http healthcheck requests (defaut /
-https-listen-cert server public certificate for https listner
-https-listen-key server private key for https listner
-https-listen-verify option to enable mTLS for HTTPS requests
-https-listen-ca trust CA for mTLS

Prometheus Options

Configuration option for the Prometheus metrics listener endpoint and path

Option Description
-metrics-http-path metrics endpoint path (default: /metics")
-metrics-http-listen-addr http host:port for metrics endpoint (default: localhost:9000")


The example/ folder contains certificates and sample gRPC server application to test with.

TLS Certificates

Sample TLS certificates for use with this sample under example/certs folder:

  • CA_crt.pem: Root CA
  • grpc_server_crt.pem: TLS certificate for gRPC server
  • http_server_crt.pem: TLS certificate for http listner for grpc_health_proxy
  • client_crt.pem: Client certificate to use while connecting via mTLS to grpc_health_proxy

grpc Server

To use, first prepare the gRPC server and then run grpc_health_proxy. Use the curl command to invoke the http listener. Copy the certificates file at example/certs to the folder where the grpc_health_proxy, the grpc Server and curl are run from.


client->http->grpc_health_proxy->gRPC Server

  • Run Proxy:
grpc_health_proxy \
    --http-listen-addr localhost:8080 \
    --http-listen-path=/healthz \
    --grpcaddr localhost:50051 \
    --service-name echo.EchoServer \
    --logtostderr=1 -v 10
  • Run gRPC Server
go run src/grpc_server.go \
    --grpcport \
  • Invoke http proxy
$ curl -v     --resolve ''

TLS to Proxy

client->TLS->grpc_health_proxy->gRPC Server

  • Run Proxy:
grpc_health_proxy \
    --http-listen-addr localhost:8080 \
    --http-listen-path=/healthz \
    --grpcaddr localhost:50051 \
    --https-listen-cert=certs/http_server_crt.pem \
    --https-listen-key=certs/http_server_key.pem \
    --service-name echo.EchoServer \
    --logtostderr=1 -v 10
  • Run gRPC Server
go run src/grpc_server.go --grpcport --insecure
  • Invoke http proxy
curl -v \
    --cacert certs/CA_crt.pem  \
    --resolve '' \

TLS to Proxy and TLS gRPC service

client->TLS->grpc_health_proxy->TLS->gRPC Server

Note that for convenience, we are reusing the same client and CA certificate during various stages here:

  • Run Proxy:
grpc_health_proxy \
    --http-listen-addr localhost:8080 \
    --http-listen-path=/healthz \
    --grpcaddr localhost:50051 \
    --https-listen-cert=certs/http_server_crt.pem \
    --https-listen-key=certs/http_server_key.pem \
    --service-name echo.EchoServer \
    --https-listen-ca=certs/CA_crt.pem \
    --grpctls \
    --grpc-ca-cert=certs/CA_crt.pem \ \
    --logtostderr=1 -v 10
  • Run gRPC Server
go run src/grpc_server.go \
    --grpcport \
    --tlsCert=certs/grpc_server_crt.pem \
  • Invoke http proxy
curl -v \
   --resolve '' \
   --cacert certs/CA_crt.pem \

mTLS to Proxy and mTLS to gRPC service

client->mTLS->grpc_health_proxy->mTLS->gRPC Server

Note that for convenience, we are reusing the same client and CA certificate during various stages here:

  • Run Proxy:
grpc_health_proxy \
    --http-listen-addr localhost:8080 \
    --http-listen-path=/healthz \
    --grpcaddr localhost:50051 \
    --https-listen-cert=certs/http_server_crt.pem \
    --https-listen-key=certs/http_server_key.pem \
    --service-name echo.EchoServer \
    --https-listen-verify \
    --https-listen-ca=certs/CA_crt.pem \
    --grpctls \
    --grpc-client-cert=certs/proxy_client_crt.pem \
    --grpc-client-key=certs/proxy_client_key.pem \
    --grpc-ca-cert=certs/CA_crt.pem \ \
    --logtostderr=1 -v 10
  • Run gRPC Server
go run src/grpc_server.go \
    --grpcport \
    --backendMTLS \
    --mtlsBackendCA=certs/CA_crt.pem \
    --tlsCert=certs/grpc_server_crt.pem \
  • Invoke http proxy
curl -v \
   --resolve '' \
   --cacert certs/CA_crt.pem \
   --key certs/client_key.pem \
   --cert certs/client_crt.pem \

Kubernetes Pod Healthcheck

You can use this utility as a proxy for service healthchecks.

This is useful for external services that utilize HTTP but need to verify a gRPC services health status.

In the kubernetes deployment below, an http request to the healthcheck serving port (:8080) will reflect the status of the gRPC service listening on port :50051

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: myapp-deployment
    type: myapp-deployment-label
  replicas: 1
      type: myapp
        type: myapp
      - name: hc-proxy
        args: [
        - containerPort: 8080
      - name: grpc-app
        args: [
        - containerPort: 50051

The docker image used for the gRPC Server is taken from example/ folder in the same repo

CLI Exit Codes

You can run tis utiity is cli mode directly similar to the grpc_health_probe cited above. In this cli mode, you can a grpc healthcheck service without resorting to curl, etc.

There are several exit codes this utility returns

  • 0: Serving
$ ./grpc_health_proxy \
   --runcli \
   --grpcaddr localhost:50051 \
   --service-name echo.EchoServer  \

echo.EchoServer SERVING

$ echo $?
  • 5: Unhealthy
$ ./grpc_health_proxy \
   --runcli \
   --grpcaddr localhost:50051 \
   --service-name echo.EchoServer  \

echo.EchoServer UNHEALTHY

$ echo $?
  • 1: Connection Failure
$ ./grpc_health_proxy \
   --runcli \
   --grpcaddr localhost:50051 \
   --service-name echo.EchoServer \

timeout: failed to connect service localhost:50051 within 1s
HealtCheck Probe Error: StatusConnectionFailure

$ echo $?
  • 3: Unknown Service
$ ./grpc_health_proxy \
   --runcli \
   --grpcaddr localhost:50051 \
   --service-name foo  \

error Service Not Found rpc error: code = NotFound desc = unknown service
HealtCheck Probe Error: StatusServiceNotFound

$ echo $?

Verify Release Binary

If you download a binary from the "Releases" page, you can verify the signature with GPG:

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 5D8EA7261718FE5728BA937C97341836616BF511

## to verify the checksum file for a given release:

gpg --verify grpc_health_proxy_1.2.1_checksums.txt.sig grpc_health_proxy_1.2.1_checksums.txt

Verify Container Image Signature

The images are also signed using my github address (salrashid123@gmail). If you really want to, you can verify each signature usign cosign:

## for tag/version

## i signed it directly, keyless:
# $ cosign sign $IMAGE

## which you can verify:
$ cosign verify [email protected]  --certificate-oidc-issuer= $IMAGE | jq '.'

## search and get 
# $ rekor-cli search --rekor_server  --email [email protected]
# $ rekor-cli get --rekor_server  --log-index $LogIndex  --format=json | jq '.'


These images were built using bazel so you should get the same container hash (i.e., deterministic builds)

bazel run :gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=go.mod -prune=true -to_macro=repositories.bzl%go_repositories

bazel run :server-image

bazel run :main -- --http-listen-addr localhost:8080 \
    --http-listen-path=/healthz \
    --grpcaddr localhost:50051 \
    --service-name echo.EchoServer \
    --logtostderr=1 -v 10


The healthcheck hander also exposes service statistics through prometheus endpoint.

  • grpc_health_check_seconds: Histogram for the overall latency to http healtcheck endpoint (eg /healthz)
  • grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds: Histogram for the latency per serviceName
  • grpc_health_check_service_requests: Counter and status per serviceName

To see this locally, run prometheus (i'm using docker here)

docker run \
    --net=host \
    -p 9090:9090 \
    -v `pwd`/prometheus/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
## ui:  http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.expr=grpc_health_check_service_requests&

## then send requests
# for ((i=1;i<=500;i++)); do   curl -s --resolve '' ""; sleep 1; done

## or also attach grafana to the prometheus service
# docker run --net=host -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana
## ui:  http://localhost:3000

The sample metrics displayed at http://localhost:9000/metrics shows

# HELP grpc_health_check_seconds Duration of HTTP requests.
# TYPE grpc_health_check_seconds histogram
grpc_health_check_seconds_bucket{path="/healthz",le="0.005"} 447
grpc_health_check_seconds_bucket{path="/healthz",le="0.01"} 448
grpc_health_check_seconds_bucket{path="/healthz",le="0.025"} 448
grpc_health_check_seconds_bucket{path="/healthz",le="0.05"} 448
grpc_health_check_seconds_bucket{path="/healthz",le="0.1"} 448
grpc_health_check_seconds_bucket{path="/healthz",le="0.25"} 448
grpc_health_check_seconds_bucket{path="/healthz",le="0.5"} 448
grpc_health_check_seconds_bucket{path="/healthz",le="1"} 448
grpc_health_check_seconds_bucket{path="/healthz",le="2.5"} 448
grpc_health_check_seconds_bucket{path="/healthz",le="5"} 448
grpc_health_check_seconds_bucket{path="/healthz",le="10"} 448
grpc_health_check_seconds_bucket{path="/healthz",le="+Inf"} 448
grpc_health_check_seconds_sum{path="/healthz"} 0.8027037920000004
grpc_health_check_seconds_count{path="/healthz"} 448

# HELP grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds Duration of HTTP requests per service.
# TYPE grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds histogram
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_bucket{service_name="echo.EchoServer",le="0.005"} 447
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_bucket{service_name="echo.EchoServer",le="0.01"} 448
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_bucket{service_name="echo.EchoServer",le="0.025"} 448
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_bucket{service_name="echo.EchoServer",le="0.05"} 448
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_bucket{service_name="echo.EchoServer",le="0.1"} 448
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_bucket{service_name="echo.EchoServer",le="0.25"} 448
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_bucket{service_name="echo.EchoServer",le="0.5"} 448
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_bucket{service_name="echo.EchoServer",le="1"} 448
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_bucket{service_name="echo.EchoServer",le="2.5"} 448
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_bucket{service_name="echo.EchoServer",le="5"} 448
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_bucket{service_name="echo.EchoServer",le="10"} 448
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_bucket{service_name="echo.EchoServer",le="+Inf"} 448
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_sum{service_name="echo.EchoServer"} 0.7760661480000001
grpc_health_check_service_duration_seconds_count{service_name="echo.EchoServer"} 448

# HELP grpc_health_check_service_requests backend status, partitioned by status code and service_name.
# TYPE grpc_health_check_service_requests counter
grpc_health_check_service_requests{code="NOT_SERVING",service_name="echo.EchoServer"} 32
grpc_health_check_service_requests{code="SERVING",service_name="echo.EchoServer"} 416