- 🔌 POWER Generate POWER for your Sphere Of Consciousness via following a Schedule.
- 📲 cellnet selects texts from mobilephone and posts them to your website - solving poverty #UNSDG1.
- 🎮 pig - enables spacetime communication via rehearsing vocabulary.
- 💻 Wrote concept for enabling rational AI to function with emotions: L-AIN.
- 🧑⚕️ Wrote pseudocode for a jab that stabilizes aging: timeless-jab.
- 🚀 dixie is a tool I have designed to help programmers converse with ChatGPT swiftly.
- 🔭 I am looking foward to establishing a career in the Forces (Canada).
- 🌱 Currently learning Python, JavaScript and PHP.
- 📫 How to reach me: 4375562530 (Text).
- 💬 Pronouns: he/him.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I admire Carl Jung's theory.
- 📜 "Perish or prevail, you will never surrender!".
- 👀 Emojis from: ikatyang.
- 💪 To modify your github/[username] page, produce a Repository named the same as your [username] and edit its README.md .