BEEmaker Release
BEEmaker is a tool designed to make BEE2.4 UCPs (User Created Packages).
Start by entering a Package Name, and putting your name in the Package Author box.
Note: Do not use punctuation, or any characters other than plain English for your Package Name or Package Author or it will break the package!
Now head over to the Items dropdown, and click New Item. This will open a prompt where you can give your item a name and description.
Note: Do not use punctuation, or any characters other than plain English for your Item Name or it will break the package!
Once you've entered those, hit Create.
Now you'll see a menu with a lot of options. Here's what they all do:
- Use Start Enabled
Nothing currently. - Use Start Reversed
Nothing currently. - Use Cube Type
Nothing currently. - Use Button Type
Allows you to add 3 instances which will be used based on the Button Type chosen in-game. - Handle
Starts saying "4 Directions". Allows you to choose what handle the item will use for placement. - Allow X Placement
Allows you to disable or enable the ability to place the item on specific surfaces.
Now you can click Items to choose which item to edit, or make more.
Once you're done, you can hit Construct Package and choose a location to save your package to. I recommend saving it to your BEEmod packages folder.
You can save your package configuration for future editing by press File > Save Package. This will save to a .SPF file wherever you choose. Once you want to open it up again, hit File > Open Package.
If you don't want an item in your package anymore, select it in the view and hit Delete Item!
36 Directions will break if used without deselecting Allow Wall Placement and Allow Ceiling Placement
One placement box must be checked, otherwise it will automatically enable Allow Floor Placement
The 8 Positions handle does not have proper collisions with other 8 Position items if Use Button Type is selected
The chosen description does not show in BEEmod yet, but will save to your SPF and will be used in a future update.
SPF stands for saismee Package File, and is plain JSON but renamed. If you would like to use it for your own BEEmod projects, here is some info for it:
- It saves the package Name and Author directly to "title" and "author".
- Item info is saved as an array inside of "items"
Note: instances are saved as instance0 - instance5, instead of another array. This may be changed in the future!