Example implementation of lightweight object oriented language that determines object lifetime statically.
- Region based memory management
- Region analysis
- Garbage collection (when the region of object can't be analyzed)
Note: This language is still a work-in-progress.
fn collatz(a) {
if a % 2 == 0
then a / 2
else a * 3 + 1
n = 100
while(n != 1) {
n = collatz(n)
The inference algorithm implemented by OCaml is in the /infer/main.ml
You can test the inference algorithm as interpreter.
$ cd infer && make && ./infer
Note: Current version able to only traverse AST and binding check.
$ make && ./bin/romen -v -e 'let x = 3; { fn hoge(a){ let k = a; }; let y = 2; let z = x + y; let g = 3; }'