Hi, my name is Serhii and I am game developer with 15+ years expirince. Most of the time I am working on C++. I prefer to develop games for mobile platform. The most interesting for me - development of the game achitecture using different modern patterns and systems like ECS (entity component system), MVVM (model view view model), GOAP (goal oriented action planning). Also I prefer to work with graphics API. I am expirinced in OpenGL, Metal APIs and Shader languages.
Here is my commercial experience:
Company Name: Pipe Studio
Position: Junior C++ Developer / Middle C++ Developer
Responsibilities: Games development. Mostly I worked on gameplay parts.
Company Name: Gameloft
Position: Team Lead C++ / Objective-C
Responsibilities: Planning, Estimation of new Game Features. Development of new features.
Company Name: VLFN
Position: Senior Objectve-C Developer
Responsibilities: Communication with clients, development of lightweight mobile apps.
Company Name: Ciclum
Position: Senior Objectve-C Developer
Responsibilities: Communication with clients, development of lightweight mobile apps.
Company Name: Catalyst Apps
Position: Team Lead C++ / Objective-C
Responsibilities: Game development from scratch. I worked on big project named "Pet Buddies". I developed it from first line of code till release. Also I took a part in development and support of new features for this project. Mostly I woked on Architecture, and smooth communication between client and server. Also I worked on not-released project which was based on Unreal Engine.
Company Name: Ilyon
Position: Full Stack Developer
Responsibilities: Game Toolsets development. Automation Tools development. Game Architecture parts development like as MVVM (model view view model) solution, Reactive Bindings, etc... Working on the project with a millions users like as https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=bubbleshooter.orig&hl=en&gl=US and https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ilyon.cuberush&hl=en&gl=US.
Probably it is weird but my hooby is also game development. So in a free time I am developing different tools / small games using Unity3D and Unreal Engine 4.
I developed my own game engine on C++ with 2 graphics API - OpenGLES 3.0 and Metal. I released my own game based on my engine. Code is open so you can look at it in - https://github.com/codeoneclick/game-box
Also in a free time I am developed several tools for Unreal Engine and Unity3d
Editor for Puzzle games: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/game-toolkits/m3-puzzle-tool-181421
Offroad Game Template: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/vehicles/off-road-truck-with-damage-system-217329
I am expirienced with a full development process - from idea to release. This my own games list:
iOS - https://apps.apple.com/sa/developer/serhii-serhiiv/id1471766621
Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=s.serhiiv.game.box&hl=en&gl=US