Code repository for our report submitted for Deep Learning class autumn semester 2019.
Repository includes code from (copyright The TensorFlow Authors) and (Copyright 2019 The Tensor2Tensor Authors).
Please install the required packages by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please also install git lfs as this repository uses it to version checkpoints of pretrained models.
To train a model named model_test with default parameters run (with path2wd
as the path to nmt directory):
python --train_dir path2wd --experiment_name model_test
To train a model on only 80% of the training data run
python --train_dir path2wd --TRAIN_ON 80 --experiment_name model_test_80perc
To train a model starting from an already pretrained model (e.g. pretrained_small) run
python --train_dir path2wd --pretrained_name pretrained_small --experiment_name model_test_wpretrained
To evaluate a model named model_test_80perc run
python --train_dir path2wd --experiment_name model_test_80perc
To backtranslate one can only use a model that was not trained on all of the training set (params TRAIN_ON < 100) To create backtranslation with a previously trained model_test_80perc run:
python --train_dir path2wd --experiment_name model_test_80perc
To train another model with the additional backtranslated training data run:
python --train_dir path2wd 10 --include_backtrans_of_model model_test --experiment_name model_test_wBacktrans
In case of questions, please contact Anja Adamov ([email protected] ), Lauro Boeni ([email protected]), Simon Broda ([email protected]) or Urs Voegeli ([email protected])