This release includes small improvements for powerstrip and vacuum support. Furthermore this is the first release with proper documentation. Generated docs are available at https://python-miio.readthedocs.io - patches to improve them are more than welcome!
- Powerstrip: expose correct load power, works also now without cloud connectivity
- Vacuum: added ability to reset consumable states
- Vacuum: exposes time left before next sensor clean-up
Closed issues:
- philips.light.ceiling Unsupported device found! #118
- Xiaomi Philips ceiling light automation #116
- Unsupported device found #112
- PM2.5 Faster Readout #111
Merged pull requests:
- add pure text LICENSE #125 (rytilahti)
- Add GPLv3 license #124 (pluehne)
- Don’t require typing with Python 3.5 and newer #123 (pluehne)
- Powerstrip fixes #121 (rytilahti)
- Added time left for recommended sensor cleaning #119 (bbbenji)
- Load power of the PowerStrip fixed and removed from the Plug #117 (syssi)
- Reset consumable by name #115 (mrin)
- Model name of the Xiaomi Philips Ceiling Lamp updated #113 (syssi)
- Update apidocs for sphinx-generated documentation, which follows at l… #93 (rytilahti)